I'm with Janet. I think there is some master book of drawings and poetry in every jail to help manipulate those on the outside. I really do not think it is a good idea to go to the jail. You did tell him you would not go see him there. It is too hard on you and that is who you need to focus on. He is where he put himself. It only tortures you more to see what he has done this time. Instead during the time husband goes you should go do something you enjoy. go shopping, out to eat with me

or find a new hobby to work on. I wish husband wouldn't go. I don't think anything he could say good or bad to him will help anything. If he goes to say I told you so it only gets difficult child worked up and he will go do something even more stupid. If he coddles him it only helps him come up with excuses as to how this is someone else's fault.
What he did was absolutely disgusting. I don't even know what word to use. He is lucky he didn't seriously injure all of them. He is lucky he doesn't have a wife like me. He would be getting divorce papers right about now. YOu need to concentrate on your grandchildren and help bring them up in a safe environment. Go spend time with them while they are doing the visit. They are the ones who need you. Their world is in constant chaos and this is not good for them. They need stability and real love.
I would not be surprised if CPS doesn't get involved when and if he gets out. His wife may lose the babies if she lets him come back. In Texas if you have any felony on your record you can never have joint or sole custody. That is if she divorces him. Doesn't sound like she has gotten that smart yet but she had better come up with something. She could be in real trouble if she lets him come back after this. I don't mean to sound harsh. I know he is your baby but so are the grandbabies. difficult child has had so many opportunities to get it straight and has slipped through the cracks so many times when he has done horrendous things. Bottom line, I think everyone needs to concentrate on the kids. difficult child is the only one who can help himself.
I know it is easy to try to blame ourselves for difficult child behavior. We think if we had done this differently or hadn't done that then possibly they wouldn't be what they are today. No parent is perfect. We do our best with what we have and love them unconditionally. Even people with crappy parents at some point during adulthood have to put their big girl panties on and move forward. No amount of whining about what happened to us as a child will help us as adults. Your difficult child had it very good as a child. I know, I saw it. You guys did the best you could with what you had. What he does from here on out is all on him. He has to make the choice to get help and get his life together. At this point coddling him and catching him every time he falls teaches him nothing and makes it all too easy to continue his bad behaviors. That goes for his wife too. She has babies to raise. She needs to think about what is best for them not for him. He's a big boy now. It's time to think about the kids.
There is my two cents. In no way do I mean to sound harsh. I just hate seeing difficult child's manipulate you the way they do. And that is what the entire poem was. If he really believed and felt that stuff he would change. So far we haven't seen any of that.
I'm always here for you anytime.