Pretty cool experience...


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I love the close up picture where your daughter is looking at the baby with such love. I also love the black and white picture.

I'm so happy to hear that things are going so well.



Well-Known Member
Thank you everyone!! I am beyond fortunate. I really am so, so blessed.

She wrote to the owner of the rehab she stayed in before. She wanted to tell her how good she was doing. She read me the text and it confirmed what I thought. That moment where difficult child had to be taken back to jail in shackles while I stayed at the hospital with Connor - that was the final straw for her. That is what made her decide that she was completely done with that life and being with Connor was all she wanted. She wants nothing to do with anything that could take her from her baby again. So while it was completely devastating and heartbreaking to witness, apparently, it had to happen for the best outcome to happen.

Just goes to show that something life shaking normally needs to happen for them to want change. What "shakes up their life" is individual to each of them and no one, including the addict, knows what that event will be.

She had a sad wake up call Saturday evening, though. She had been asking for a baby book to start for Connor so I got her one. She started going through the pages and questions and things to write and realized just how embarassing and sad her pregnancy was. She was asking what in the world she could write about certain things and realized that she cannot put together anything nice for him in that book regarding her pregnancy. I told her to concentrate on going forward. She can start with his birth. I told her we all make mistakes or else how would we learn and grow in life? It is what she does going forward that matters now.

So we have court on Friday. I will advocate for her to stay here with us and go to outpatient treatment. She is thriving here. I think having her baby with the love and support from her family is exactly what she needed.. <3


Well-Known Member
Connor is so beautiful, and so is his mother!

Enjoy them.

Patriot's Girl, you are a wonderful mother (and grandmother). I hope it all goes smoothly from now on.

Love, Esther


Well-Known Member
Thank you ALL!!! We were all sitting around him last night and my daughter had her head on my shoulder and said who knew a baby would bring us all back together? :) He is our angel baby... <3