
My difficult child was on Risperdal. I will say that although his side effects are concerning for me, I would say in your situation take the risk. His side effects are he has gained a little less than 20lbs since August (a ton when you consider he only weighted 45lbs at the beginning of July). The gain is the bloat around his belly. He also has high cholesterol and high prolactin levels that are directly related to this drug. I think that anxiety wise it has not made any difference. But, his mood was better and he wasn't aggressive on it (we found that out really quick this weekend when we weaned him off of it a week ago). I guess that you have to take the risk sometimes and hope for the best and watch out for anything that could be concerning. One of things I have figured out in the last few weeks is that it might be not be the question of no side effects but what is the most manageable side effects. I hate the medication game, it stresses me out and ages me. I hope that you find something that works for your difficult child, she deserves it and so do you. Hugs.


Well-Known Member
Risperdal was great for Miss KT. Her weight stayed normal, and she was much more pleasant to be around. No more holes punched in walls, no more doors thrown at me, no more broken kitchen tiles or destroyed items...and I can tell she's struggling to hold it in now that she's no longer taking it.


i was very against risperdal for Wee because of side effects and all. at the time, tho, life with wee was hell...we were considering in-patient as he wasn't safe to have at home.

My sister in law is head of a dept at the university hospital. I was talking to her about it and she looked at me as i discussed it with her and said "do either of you have a life as things are??"

we tried it and it has been the only real help we've found medication-wise for wee.


Jena, we are going to difficult child on Risperdal this week. Like you, I have read that some kids had really bad experiences on it and I am quite nervous about starting him on it, but we have to do something to combat his aggression and the screaming tantrums. The Celexa was not only not helping, but making him worse than ever. The psychiatrist sounds like he's not worth a hill of beans. I would say try to find someone else, but stay with this guy in the mean time so that you at least have someone in an emergency.



This is the medication that was supposed to deal with all of manster's symptoms instead of the three he is currently on... but because he is already overweight that in and of itself was a deal breaker. This medication scares me too however we have to weight the side effects of medicating with the *side* effects of not medicating. Feels like a rock and hard place at times.


New Member

thanks for all the info i do appreciate it. been a rough one today. i detach as best i can emotionally yet when your sleep deprieved it's difficult and we are always here in this house or at least i am. husband seems to run on same energy level as difficult child. the man can go go go. than he'll crash on his days off.

i know i've learned alot and i do consider myself highly important in all of this. i am who i am i sat there and said to him i need you to own this not put it on my lap your the dr i'm the mom. bottom line. he's jumpy all over the place and i am quickly reminded of why i left him to begin with.

i still haven't filled it. was hoping therapy today with difficult child that woman would give me the number she said she would. yet she didn't because she cancelled the appointment. today. she cancelled it because she is awaiting insurance approval. i told her before we began i dont' want to start until your approved because difficult child needs stability with the appointments. i said why would you do this when she though she was coming to you today and now this is exactly what i didnt' want. she said well you have to call also they wont' approve it until they get a call from you. BS i have to call and fight for her to get approval is what she wants. yet another jerk of a treatment provider.

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