Big Bad Kitty
Last year when Tink was in K, she was very well behaved WHILE in school. Nobody believed it when I told them that she was diagnosis'd ADHD/ODD/Sensory Integration Disorder (SID). I asked them at that point for an IEP and an Occupational Therapist (OT), but was denied because she had no problems IN SCHOOL.
When she was home from school, she was a monster. Over the summer, she got worse. psychiatrist & I think it may be bipolar, and are treating it as such.
I asked Tink's psychiatrist for a referral for a multi-disc evaluation or a neuropsychologist evaluation. What he gave me was a recommendation to give to her school for a case study evaluation. It says "to address Tink's emotional and academic needs. As part of this evaluation, I believe Occupational Therapist (OT) evaluation (and treatment as indicated) is also needed, specifically for sensory integration problems." I presented this to the school, and am getting much of the same: She did not show signs of problems in school, there is not much that we can do.
Do I have a leg to stand on?
When she was home from school, she was a monster. Over the summer, she got worse. psychiatrist & I think it may be bipolar, and are treating it as such.
I asked Tink's psychiatrist for a referral for a multi-disc evaluation or a neuropsychologist evaluation. What he gave me was a recommendation to give to her school for a case study evaluation. It says "to address Tink's emotional and academic needs. As part of this evaluation, I believe Occupational Therapist (OT) evaluation (and treatment as indicated) is also needed, specifically for sensory integration problems." I presented this to the school, and am getting much of the same: She did not show signs of problems in school, there is not much that we can do.
Do I have a leg to stand on?