Sorry, I'm just getting back to this thread!
Fran, I would love to meet your vertically challenged moose herd but my four will be at home with the puppy sitter! I told them that, for this year only, Christmas has been changed to December 27th. I don't have the heart to give them all their loud new squeaky toys and then leave them with the sitter ... I may need to use her services again some time!
This trip is turning in to quite a challenge. Ordinarily we go on I-40 thrugh E. Tennessee into N. Carolina near Ashville, then go through N. Carolina to S. Carolina. But there has been that big rockslide on the road and I-40 is closed through there with a 50+ mile detour. I can't imagine that there is a "good" detour through there - it's probably through some guys cornfield! So, as much as I hate it, we will probably end up going through Atlanta.

I always work myself into a frenzie over these things and it always ends up being not as bad as I thought it would be.