Rally's anything
Is nothing sacred to Canada any more lol. Maple Syrup is ours I tell you ours. LolMaple syrup everything here. I even have friends who make maple syrup cotton candy - fantastic!
We also have a trout hatchery, and that fresh trout cannot be beat. There's a special, seasoned flour that we use to cook it which I buy at the hardware store.
A lot of farmers raise beef and pork. Some make honey, and many people make homemade jams, jellies, and apple butter.
Superb apple cider. If you're lucky, they will give you some of the fresh apple juice.
I literally cried when the guy who bought the house after my dad died cut that grand old lady down because "damned tree was messing up the sewer and we weren't getting any sun on the lawn."
I'm old enough to remember the stately old elms that lined the street I lived on in Chicago, and to remember them all becoming sick and dying, and then being cut down when Dutch Elm Disease hit. The street was like a tunnel covered over by trees and lit by sun filtering through leaves (and smog). They replaced the old elms with spindly little maples, which eventually became larger trees, but it was never the same. The apartment buildings fell into disrepair (they were pretty bad while I lived there. It was a poor, immigrant neighborhood.) Now, the neighborhood is gentrified. The old tenements have have been gutted, walls knocked out between apartments, and made into condos. 300+K would set one up nicely. But it'll never replace those glorious old elms planted in the early days of the city.I know how you feel. We have a street here that is one of the oldest in town and lined with big, fancy, sadly less than pristinely kept, houses - big Victorians and such, and lined with giant trees, sycamores, gum, oak, etc. The city has taken nearly every tree out in the last few months - thank God saving one lone, huge sycamore. I nearly cried. I know they did it because they were tearing up the sidewalks and city sewer systems...it was hard to walk the sidewalks were so buckled and broken. They're putting in lovely new sidewalks and benches and such...but personally I'd rather they'd have figured out a way to engineer around the trees! What once looked like a beautiful, old neighborhood of stately buildings now looks like a bare street of poorly maintained old houses.