hearts and roses
Mind Reader
I can't even count how many times I've read on here about difficult children and easy child's swapping roles...but now here I am saying the same thing...and worried because I don't want to jinx anything, of course!
easy child is now my difficult child and difficult child's long reigning role has come to an end, or so it seems. I'm going to have to update my siggy.
difficult child is still with her 'old man' (aka boyfriend who is 29 with 2 young sons!) and HAPPY. She's working, still spends time with friends, and has a respectable hard working boyfriend. She still spirals and still has her difficult child moments, but for the most part, she's responsible. She calls when she's not coming home, she helps around the house, and she gets mad at me when I don't have time to spend with her getting our nails done on the same appointment. Hahaha.
easy child, on the other hand, is still staying at her boyfriend's parent's house in a separate bedroom. She is not recovering well from the pneumonia and calls me almost every day to log in her latest health complaint. She said she's waiting to see her new therapist next week before committing to moving back home or remaining at the boyfriend's house. She's on cymbalta for 3 months now and I think it's making her depression and anxiety worse. She did sign a consent form at the doctors giving the Dr permission to discuss her health with me, but with the way things stand between us, I hesitate to call the Dr. Instead I asked easy child if she thought the cymbalta was helping her depression and she said, no lie, "Is that why I'm taking Cymbalta?" Could have knocked me over with a feather....what??? She doesn't even know why she's taking this medication? So, she told me the Dr gave it to her for fibro myalgia symptoms. Dr told me it was for depression, anxiety AND the pain but never told easy child. WTH?
I will admit that I am very concerned about her health, but it has been kind of nice not having her around...in a less tense kind of way. Ironic, isn't it? She's the one who said WE were too tense - turns out it's HER. lol.
easy child is now my difficult child and difficult child's long reigning role has come to an end, or so it seems. I'm going to have to update my siggy.
difficult child is still with her 'old man' (aka boyfriend who is 29 with 2 young sons!) and HAPPY. She's working, still spends time with friends, and has a respectable hard working boyfriend. She still spirals and still has her difficult child moments, but for the most part, she's responsible. She calls when she's not coming home, she helps around the house, and she gets mad at me when I don't have time to spend with her getting our nails done on the same appointment. Hahaha.
easy child, on the other hand, is still staying at her boyfriend's parent's house in a separate bedroom. She is not recovering well from the pneumonia and calls me almost every day to log in her latest health complaint. She said she's waiting to see her new therapist next week before committing to moving back home or remaining at the boyfriend's house. She's on cymbalta for 3 months now and I think it's making her depression and anxiety worse. She did sign a consent form at the doctors giving the Dr permission to discuss her health with me, but with the way things stand between us, I hesitate to call the Dr. Instead I asked easy child if she thought the cymbalta was helping her depression and she said, no lie, "Is that why I'm taking Cymbalta?" Could have knocked me over with a feather....what??? She doesn't even know why she's taking this medication? So, she told me the Dr gave it to her for fibro myalgia symptoms. Dr told me it was for depression, anxiety AND the pain but never told easy child. WTH?
I will admit that I am very concerned about her health, but it has been kind of nice not having her around...in a less tense kind of way. Ironic, isn't it? She's the one who said WE were too tense - turns out it's HER. lol.