Poed doesn't begin to describe how I am feeling right now...I am going to vent here ladies.
Gfgd group home just called....apparently a legal guardian sig is required in order for her to transfer from one school to another. They asked me to sign....
And I blew....big time....I told him that suddenly you "need" me to be a parent? You never needed me before....gfgd has done/said whatever she wants to and gotten away with it, never been questioned or held accountable(she's failed all her exams) and suddenly you need me to sign something so she can have her way again? No! A big fat no....I needed her to get help, I needed her to stop lying, I needed her to stop stealing, I needed her to be a nice person....I needed my daughter!
He said I was being unfair....I said big whoop. I am sick and tired of you calling, the school calling, my friends calling and asking me to step up and be a parent only when she "needs" it.....parenting doesn't work that way, never has never will.
He said he would come by with the papers and I said no don't bother because I won't answer the door....she can figure it out without me, she hasn't needed me for much of anything else has she? And I hung up.....
I am so hurt/angry/upset right now.....husband is in a nasty mood and told me I am useless, the girls are home for a snow day and my little guy is teething.....shoot me please /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/919Mad.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/919Mad.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/919Mad.gif
Gfgd group home just called....apparently a legal guardian sig is required in order for her to transfer from one school to another. They asked me to sign....
And I blew....big time....I told him that suddenly you "need" me to be a parent? You never needed me before....gfgd has done/said whatever she wants to and gotten away with it, never been questioned or held accountable(she's failed all her exams) and suddenly you need me to sign something so she can have her way again? No! A big fat no....I needed her to get help, I needed her to stop lying, I needed her to stop stealing, I needed her to be a nice person....I needed my daughter!
He said I was being unfair....I said big whoop. I am sick and tired of you calling, the school calling, my friends calling and asking me to step up and be a parent only when she "needs" it.....parenting doesn't work that way, never has never will.
He said he would come by with the papers and I said no don't bother because I won't answer the door....she can figure it out without me, she hasn't needed me for much of anything else has she? And I hung up.....
I am so hurt/angry/upset right now.....husband is in a nasty mood and told me I am useless, the girls are home for a snow day and my little guy is teething.....shoot me please /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/919Mad.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/919Mad.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/919Mad.gif