The more things change.. the more they stay the same. Last I posted difficult child was in jail after being homeless for 3 months. difficult child's out of jail now and back at the same shelter where she was accused of stealing, which led to her arrest. She has no where else to go. She's on probation and can't leave the state for a year. I don't know of any other conditions. I've helped her out twice by taking her to her orthodontic appointments and I gave her some food from my pantry, took her out to eat at McD's but that is it. She's now announced on facebook that she's engaged to her difficult child-boyfriend who no one in her family approves of. He's a PSYCHO and dangerous. Where she's bad enough, he's much worse. I've called police on him twice for calling/threatening me over the phone. They said they can't do anything because he's living out of state. But he has been twice already here to visit difficult child. She's trying to get pregnant, from what I hear. I also heard that she is planning on using money she thinks she will get for college loan from the government to buy a boob job. She's a mess and again, no one at the shelter likes her because she does bad things and acts inappropriately, like when she is having sex over the phone with her boyfriend and kids and others can hear her. She also is again staying up all night and will not go get services because she doesn't want to get up early. She is planning on getting her ID, though, because she wants to cash in her savings bonds (that were meant for college) and try and get an apartment with bond money. She's desperately "bored" and online most of the day chatting with her loser teen friends. She's anxious to get high, has threatened to cut herself (copying the boyfriend's example) just because she doesn't care for her "accommodations" at the womens shelter. She's being called a **** and more on facebook, posts partially nude pics and apparently has no morals, no shame, nothing. She gets a bang out of teasing men in other countries, too.
I try not to worry because it does little good. There's no way she's getting back into my home to torment me with her abnormal behavior and cruel taunting and that's all it would be. She will use anyone and everyone up to their very last penny or bit of sanity and then walk away feeling absolutely nothing but contempt for those she leaves in her path of destruction. I won't even add her as a friend on my facebook and when someone asks about her, I say her age and tell them she's moved out and is on her own. That's about the size of it.
I know how we all care about our kids no matter how old they are but at some point, it just can't go much beyond a thought because if you take action and try and help, they will only rip your heart out and shove it right down your throat in return. At least, that's how I see it is most of the time. I'm not going to spend the rest of my life trying to fix the unfixable. It's out of my hands now. I've tried. I'm done. The EX - her father - has managed to remain uninvolved all this time. Same with his parents - difficult child's paternal grandparents and aunts and uncles. If they can do it, so can I. I already am on her boyfriend's hit list so what does it matter?
If things go as I suspect they will, my difficult child will get pregnant and bring yet another difficult child into her messed up world before she's even old enough to drink a beer. There should be a law against it but again, nothing can stop her. I will have nothing to do with her then. She will have sealed her fate and may as well move to her future in-laws state to see how welcoming they will be towards her and offspring. As it stands now, they've threatened to call police if she shows up on their doorstep but difficult child, being of feeble mind, seems to think that a baby in tow will make all the difference. I think she is in for a rude awakening all around. She still has not learned from past mistakes. Oh well.
Not my problem and I can't fix it. My motto.