And I'm wondering where is his she safe...why is she doing this??? And it's hard to find any serenity.
Hi ksm. At first thought I wanted to react by advising you to detach, and in that second I realized that was not what I wanted to say or needed to say. I was wrong. I needed to say something else.
A number of years ago, I did detach. Something horrible happened to me in my house and I saw that I had no choice. After awhile I could go through entire days and weeks without agonizing about my son. He began to feel as if he was somebody apart from me. I knew I loved him but I did not feel my love each day. I had become disembodied from my love, along with the detachment.
My psychologist said at one point. You are searching for a way to still love your son. His saying that appalled me. I stuffed it.
A week or so ago M said this, (and we all reacted). He said: you have to find a way to be a mother to Joseph. He either implied or directly said something like that. That I was abrogating my responsibilities as a mother to my son. Who needed me.
The upshot is we told my son he could come back to the apartment, this time without M. He could live there alone. And it was a trial period for all three of us.
It's been rocky but he's still there.
Why am I writing all of this on your thread? Because I see now that all along you've never stopped living your love and care for your daughter. I believe you have either been unwilling or unable to detach in the way I did from my son. And this is a good thing, but a very hard thing. I don't know what else to say, but I am beginning to see that detachment may have been necessary for me. Even life-saving.
But it is not the whole journey.
All I can write here is that i send my love and my care. And my admiration. Honestly I don't know how we do this,except one step at a time. Love, Copa