New Member
I am concerned for you and the other children. They should not be put out because of one student. If anyone is being removed it should be him. It sounds to me that his medications aren't right and he needs to be in a more restrictive setting such as an acute partial program. They can monitor him and his medications better there. The school is responsible with the psychiatrist for this. The school district would be responsible for transportation during the school year. I would bring it up at your next meeting. I know you are doing all that you can,but this is a matter of your safety as well as your students. You said it yourself, you are doing all that you can ,but it isn't working. That's not your fault. He needs more. Is there any way that these incidents can be recorded with a hidden camera? This way you have documented proof. Maybe if the parents actually see it they will realize how bad it is. As far as being consistent, I don't think school could be anymore consistent a setting. Like you say, middle school is going to be alot harder and they will call the police if he is being abusive. You might try telling the parents this also, at least they would around here. I feel for you. My son holds it together pretty well at school and takes it out as soon as he gets home. We have 3 other children and are getting services come into the home. The parents of your student need to realize that you are doing all that you can in the best interest of their son. Good luck.