Thank God, he is in jail


Well-Known Member
I will warn you that they can just get another battery and take the car. been there done that. I tried taking the battery out of my car so many times and Cory would just bring another one with him. There is a fuse in the engine that you can take out which makes the car unable to start. It will sound like it is attempting to turn over but wont. Cory was convinced it was either out of gas or he had messed it up. LOL. I didnt tell him any different. This was a car that we had parked when I bought a new one and it was taken off the road but he had no issues with just taking it even if it didnt have plates or insurance. I did the only thing I could do to stop him. I locked the fuse up in a safe. Very simple procedure.


Thanks Janet. The car is locked in my garage. No one can see in. The garage door is part of my security system.

difficult child remains in jail. Thank you Lord.

My sponsor got me some legal help yesterday from an atty who knows that area.

tomorrow morning, i am to call and find out DAs contact info and name of judge. Sponsor's contact may know judge.

then i am to find out when i can see DA. Fax him a letter with brief facts, outlining why difficult child should be denied bail.

then i need to go to hearing at 4 pm. I HATE that as it is far away and i will be alone. difficult child will come in w leg irons, etc. if they release him, i will be far away. Will be a long drive home in the dark, either way.

will go by sober house, pay his outstanding bill and hope they have a huge amount of things which are missing.

Sorry for messy post. In bed on ipad. Trying to keep it together.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
AG, first of all sending you so many hugs.............whew, just reading your post made me weary, I'm sorry you are in the middle of this. It sounds as if you have a real clear plan, that always makes me feel better. You got advice from professionals and you know what to do, that's really good. Tomorrow will be tough, but it appears that after that, he will be tucked away for awhile and you can then breathe and hopefully have some peace. Sending good thoughts for an easier day tomorrow then you anticipate..............more hugs...........


Well-Known Member
Good luck tomorrow. Such difficult decisions, have your goals clear in your head. I wouldn't even begin to know what to hope for. Sending all the good thoughts I have your way.