Of course my difficult child son has 3 children by his ex fiance, that has turned into a fiasco for us of no visits, that we think we are to exhausted to go to courts over...again.. Then he is married with a wife, and I am sure other then watching his son and being Mr. Mom, he doesnt hold a job, maturity, or common sense.
I have a easy child daughter that with each passing day is another disappointment. Her marriage has been on the rocks since last fall. She moved her husband adn son to our place in the spring, joined the army for the money and stability for her family with intentions of sending for them once she was posted. Now it she doesnt want to be married anymopre, the child can be uprooted and moved out to Washington where she is at until deployment next yr. Parties in the evenings, and now goes through all the money leaving nothing to pay the bills for 2 new cars, daycare, child needs, and the usual. I told my sister in law that enough is enough. He needs to get a hold of her c/o adn get help with fianaces and put her in her place. She will pay the consequences but to bad, she has no respect for us.
How about all of you?
I have a easy child daughter that with each passing day is another disappointment. Her marriage has been on the rocks since last fall. She moved her husband adn son to our place in the spring, joined the army for the money and stability for her family with intentions of sending for them once she was posted. Now it she doesnt want to be married anymopre, the child can be uprooted and moved out to Washington where she is at until deployment next yr. Parties in the evenings, and now goes through all the money leaving nothing to pay the bills for 2 new cars, daycare, child needs, and the usual. I told my sister in law that enough is enough. He needs to get a hold of her c/o adn get help with fianaces and put her in her place. She will pay the consequences but to bad, she has no respect for us.
How about all of you?