The names we give things...


Well-Known Member
Do you call it a couch, sofa, settee, chesterfield, or Davenport? Couch or sofa.

- Is it dinner or supper in your home? We usually say, "What's for supper?" or "Are we going out for dinner?"

- Is it a refrigerator or fridge? Either

- Is it a deepfreeze or a freezer? Freezer

- Do you wear pants, slacks, or trousers? Pants, trousers go with men's suits

- Do you wear underwear, underpants, undies, or panties? I wear panties or underwear, my menfolk wear underwear.

- Baby has a soother, pacifier, or binky? In our house, it's a "Schpooklie," don't ask...

- Is it a telephone or phone? Phone.

- Is it a washing machine or washer? Washing machine.

- When you smoke do you have a cigarette, a smoke, or a butt? Don't smoke, I call them death sticks.

- Are you a pop or soda drinker? Went cold turkey a few months ago from soda.

- Did you toilet-train or potty-train your children? Potty. They had a tape with a song that went "Now I'm going to my potty potty..."

- In the winter do you wear long-johns or long-underwear? Neither, but I would use the phrase Dr. Dentons

- Toilet learning toddlers wear training pants or soakers? Pull-ups.

- What are the pants that mothers use over cloth diapers... rubber pants, plastic pants, waterproof pants, baby pants, vinyl pants, or diaper pants? Rubber pants.

- When drying dishes, do you use a tea-towel or dishtowel? air, but I would call it a dishtowel if I used one.

- When changing a cloth diaper, do you use safety pins or diaper pins? Diaper pins.

- Where do the wet and dirty diapers go, into the diaper pail or into the diaper bucket? Pail.

- When your children were bad, did you give them a spanking, a whoopin', a paddling, a tanning, or a lickin? None, but if I did, it would have been a spanking.

- Is it a silverware drawer or cutlery drawer in your kitchen? Silverware.

Pink Elephant

Well-Known Member
Cat fanciers sometimes use the term "britches" to refer to the long hair on the hindlegs and rump of longhaired cats. The other term sometimes used is "pantaloons".

"Britches" is an Americanization of "breeches" which is an archaic term for trousers and is still used today for the specialized pants worn for riding horses English-style.
I've always liked the word, "pantaloons"! I remember it as a kid... must have been a story of something, but I haven't heard the name "pantaloons" in ages! Thanks for bringing it up, GN! :)

Pink Elephant

Well-Known Member
Do you call it a couch, sofa, settee, chesterfield, or Davenport?
Usually couch. Sometimes sofa.

- Is it dinner or supper in your home?

- Is it a refrigerator or fridge?

- Is it a deepfreeze or a freezer?

- Do you wear pants, slacks, or trousers?

- Do you wear underwear, underpants, undies, or panties?

- Baby has a soother, pacifier, or

Pacifier. A few new relatives say “paci”

- Is it a telephone or phone?

- Is it a washing machine or washer?

- When you smoke do you have a cigarette, a smoke, or a butt?

- Are you a pop or soda drinker?

- Did you toilet-train or potty-train your children?

- In the winter do you wear long-johns or long-underwear?
- Toilet learning toddlers wear training pants or soakers?

- What are the pants that mothers use over cloth diapers... rubber pants, plastic pants, waterproof pants, baby pants, vinyl pants, or diaper pants?
Diapers or pull ups

- When drying dishes, do you use a tea-towel or dishtowel?
Dish towel

- When changing a cloth diaper, do you use safety pins or diaper pins?

- Where do the wet and dirty diapers go, into the diaper pail or into the diaper bucket?

- When your children were bad, did you give them a spanking, a whoopin', a paddling, a tanning, or a
Mostly Time out
My Difficult Child wrote out sentences a LOT

- Is it a silverware drawer or

And we called /call our high speed roadways....expressways
I know in many families, weird names for things are born as a result of the kids naming them.
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Pink Elephant

Well-Known Member
Do you call it a couch, sofa, settee, chesterfield, or Davenport? Couch or sofa.

- Is it dinner or supper in your home? We usually say, "What's for supper?" or "Are we going out for dinner?"

- Is it a refrigerator or fridge? Either

- Is it a deepfreeze or a freezer? Freezer

- Do you wear pants, slacks, or trousers? Pants, trousers go with men's suits

- Do you wear underwear, underpants, undies, or panties? I wear panties or underwear, my menfolk wear underwear.

- Baby has a soother, pacifier, or binky? In our house, it's a "Schpooklie," don't ask...

- Is it a telephone or phone? Phone.

- Is it a washing machine or washer? Washing machine.

- When you smoke do you have a cigarette, a smoke, or a butt? Don't smoke, I call them death sticks.

- Are you a pop or soda drinker? Went cold turkey a few months ago from soda.

- Did you toilet-train or potty-train your children? Potty. They had a tape with a song that went "Now I'm going to my potty potty..."

- In the winter do you wear long-johns or long-underwear? Neither, but I would use the phrase Dr. Dentons

- Toilet learning toddlers wear training pants or soakers? Pull-ups.

- What are the pants that mothers use over cloth diapers... rubber pants, plastic pants, waterproof pants, baby pants, vinyl pants, or diaper pants? Rubber pants.

- When drying dishes, do you use a tea-towel or dishtowel? air, but I would call it a dishtowel if I used one.

- When changing a cloth diaper, do you use safety pins or diaper pins? Diaper pins.

- Where do the wet and dirty diapers go, into the diaper pail or into the diaper bucket? Pail.

- When your children were bad, did you give them a spanking, a whoopin', a paddling, a tanning, or a lickin? None, but if I did, it would have been a spanking.

- Is it a silverware drawer or cutlery drawer in your kitchen? Silverware.
ROFLMAO! Oh, I just LOVE the Dr. Dentons moniker!

According to one of my sons, rubber pants in our house (when his baby brother was still wearing them) were called, "pop-a-pants"! Again, don't ask me why, because I don't know. Maybe the result of me using those old-fashioned large pins to put on the diapers... mommy was popping the diapers and pants (or something like that). LOL!


Shooting from the Hip
- Do you call it a couch, sofa, settee, chesterfield, or Davenport? couch or sofa

- Is it dinner or supper in your home? dinner

- Is it a refrigerator or fridge? yes

- Is it a deepfreeze or a freezer? freezer

- Do you wear pants, slacks, or trousers? mostly pants...

- Do you wear underwear, underpants, undies, or panties? undies or panties

- Baby has a soother, pacifier, or binky? paci

- Is it a telephone or phone? yes

- Is it a washing machine or washer? yes

- When you smoke do you have a cigarette, a smoke, or a butt? cig or smoke

- Are you a pop or soda drinker? soda pop BAHAHAHA

- Did you toilet-train or potty-train your children? Hmm, I think both

- In the winter do you wear long-johns or long-underwear? LOL neither. But I call them both.

- Toilet learning toddlers wear training pants or soakers? I never heard of soakers. Pull-ups!

- What are the pants that mothers use over cloth diapers... rubber pants, plastic pants, waterproof pants, baby pants, vinyl pants, or diaper pants? waterproof pants or diaper covers

- When drying dishes, do you use a tea-towel or dishtowel? dish towel

- When changing a cloth diaper, do you use safety pins or diaper pins? diaper pins

- Where do the wet and dirty diapers go, into the diaper pail or into the diaper bucket? diaper pail

- When your children were bad, did you give them a spanking, a whoopin', a paddling, a tanning, or a lickin? butt whoopin... Mostly just the threat though LOL

- Is it a silverware drawer or cutlery drawer in your kitchen? yes... Silverware is spoons, forks, and butter knives; cutlery is the sharp stuff.

Pink Elephant

Well-Known Member
- Do you call it a couch, sofa, settee, chesterfield, or Davenport? couch or sofa

- Is it dinner or supper in your home? dinner

- Is it a refrigerator or fridge? yes

- Is it a deepfreeze or a freezer? freezer

- Do you wear pants, slacks, or trousers? mostly pants...

- Do you wear underwear, underpants, undies, or panties? undies or panties

- Baby has a soother, pacifier, or binky? paci

- Is it a telephone or phone? yes

- Is it a washing machine or washer? yes

- When you smoke do you have a cigarette, a smoke, or a butt? cig or smoke

- Are you a pop or soda drinker? soda pop BAHAHAHA

- Did you toilet-train or potty-train your children? Hmm, I think both

- In the winter do you wear long-johns or long-underwear? LOL neither. But I call them both.

- Toilet learning toddlers wear training pants or soakers? I never heard of soakers. Pull-ups!

- What are the pants that mothers use over cloth diapers... rubber pants, plastic pants, waterproof pants, baby pants, vinyl pants, or diaper pants? waterproof pants or diaper covers

- When drying dishes, do you use a tea-towel or dishtowel? dish towel

- When changing a cloth diaper, do you use safety pins or diaper pins? diaper pins

- Where do the wet and dirty diapers go, into the diaper pail or into the diaper bucket? diaper pail

- When your children were bad, did you give them a spanking, a whoopin', a paddling, a tanning, or a lickin? butt whoopin... Mostly just the threat though LOL

- Is it a silverware drawer or cutlery drawer in your kitchen? yes... Silverware is spoons, forks, and butter knives; cutlery is the sharp stuff.
Yeah, Annie, "soakers", is the name my mom always used for trainers. I think it stems from the older days.

Pink Elephant

Well-Known Member
"Diapies" for diapers (sometimes) when changing my kids. Used the term "pants" (a lot) when changing them. "Time to change your pants". Or when they were playing outside and needed to be changed... "get in the house so mommy can change your pants".


Well-Known Member
I say undies....except when I’m talking to my hubby, of course.

Then I use panties, cause it sounds so much sexier.....if you don’t say the word ‘granny’ before it, of course. That would just kill the mood......

Pink Elephant

Well-Known Member
I say undies....except when I’m talking to my hubby, of course.

Then I use panties, cause it sounds so much sexier.....if you don’t say the word ‘granny’ before it, of course. That would just kill the mood......
I say "underpants" (a lot), but do refer to them as "panties" when talking to my daughters or friends.

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