The next chapter...

Back to Pony Girl - I believe my son will do time somewhere else besides county jail. He is 24. I just wonder what there life will be like if they ever get behind all this? Will there criminal record follow them forever? Do they ever think that they need more help? I am trying to let go and let God. Then on the other hand I want to write a letter to his doctor telling him what is going on and see if he can help. He prescribed him Xanax, Tegretol and something tohelp him sleep!!!! I still dont know what his diagnosis was!


New Member
Mikey, Seems like your difficult child getting caught has not only woke him up a bit but your wife as well. I am so happy that you and wife are now on the same page. :)


Well-Known Member
I think, for his sake, it's great he got caught. It's the only way he'll ever see that if he HE doesn't change--well, the world won't change to suit HIM either. And it takes the decision to give him consequences out of your hands. Although he still isn't seeing things straight (maybe due to the constant pot fog--I so remember how "well" my daughter thunk with dope on the brain), he'll get a rude awakening if he goes to jail. At this point in his life, HE has to want to change and since he's perfectly happy not to, he'll need strong motivation. My own daughter was busted twice, and put on probation, but she was a minor. The probation bit didn't help, and she told me she did drugs while on probation anyways. Sometimes it takes a cold cell. I know you're hurting though--as we did. It killed us, really. Prayers to you that this does the trick.


New Member
This is probably the best thing that could have happened. This will force wife to have to deal with the situation and stop ignoring it. It pretty much has been taken out of both of your hands now and he will have to suffer the natural consequences.

I know he wasn't on school grounds, but I know in CT if you are within so many feet of school grounds, it's pretty much the same charge. I believe it's a felony, no??????


Well-Known Member
Actually, he's lucky he didn't have more weed in his car than he did. Above a certain amount, even if it was for his own consumption, it would have been considered to be "for resale", which is a much more serious charge ... especially right across the street from a school!

I hope he's starting to come to his senses about fighting the charges. Even if, by some miracle, he able were to weasel his way out of what they found in his vehicle, they found a PIPE on him - with residue! How was he planning to explain that one??


Roll With It
I know that around here if someone tries to fight charges like this the judges usually are MUCH harder on them. The judges I know say that if the kid is fighting with really unbelievable stuff, they the kid needs harsher consequences in order to start to feel the NEED and DESIRE to straighten up.

Give wife a big ole smooch for telling McWeedy NO $$$ for legal bills!!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully things will turn around now.

Well old smarter-than-the-average-stoner really outsmarted himself this time, eh? Not once but twice: parking across the street to stay (as he thought) out of SRO jurisdiction, thereby arousing suspicion; and thinking he's going to take it to the Supreme Court, thereby earning the maximum penalty (potentially).

Like everybody I think that this was probably best. I hope he comes around and throws himself on the mercy of the court.

Can you pick him up a CD of "I Fought the Law, and the Law Won"?


Psycho Gorilla Dad
Can you pick him up a CD of "I Fought the Law, and the Law Won"?

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

I would, but since there aren't any screaming guitars (or screaming vocals), or screaming "whatever" in the song, he wouldn't listen to it.

If "Gods of the Death's Head Mutilators" did a remake, then he might give it a listen, though.


Stella Johnson

Active Member
He really is dilusional if he thinks he can "get off" for this especially if he marches in there screaming his civil rights were violated in the situation he was in. :faint: The judge just might throw the book at him and probably any jury he gets.

It does seem like he has slipped right through all hard punishments that could have fallen on him. Eventually it all catches up with you. He's just too immature to see it just yet.

Glad to hear wife seems to have come to her senses and you guys are in agreement.

Keep us posted. I have to hear how this unfolds. :slap:



New Member
Mikey, It aint over till its over. I have seen clear cut cases thrown out and silly ones given the max. Courts tend to be lenient on first timers. You and wife need to have a plan B should your son get off lightly. It does happen. -RM