Thank you, everyone. I appreciate everything here. Thanks, too, Sara, for clarifying.
Now that I'm calm, I guess I can pretty much tell ya what the problems are. This place is totally behaviorally based. Yeah, the therapist pretty much feels that IF Dylan would need medications, ONE OR TWO would be it, TWO MAX, because she can fix him with the behavior mod in the house, and her therapy ideas.
They've known my son all of 3 weeks, haven't listened to me at all, and really don't care to.
And you hit the nail right on the head, Sara. I am very, very aggravated over the whole "ODD" thing. This is not said to offend anyone at this site, I know there's a huge "ODD" following here, but I get really ticked over it. And it's reasons like this why. I couldn't get my kid school work last year, because now the teachers are so used to "oh, no, if they're defiant we don't give it", that I have to pull teeth to get it. I can't get my kid therapy here, because they are so used to kids that are "ODD" that don't listen, don't follow rules, and their parent's don't get off their rear ends and make them do stuff, and they assume my kid is the same. There are two kids in Dylan's residence that are 2nd timers. You tell me how TWO kids make it TWELVE MONTHS with no defiance, go home, and then get sent back. I'm sorry, I'm not taking the "honeymooning" thing with that. Nope.
So, because of this, my child suffers. And you're right, again, Sara, I can't expect them to watch him 24/7. I suppose that was a little exaggerated LOL ~ but you know, the issues in school, for example, need help. The shutting down. For whatever reason (that's for another day) the teachers in his EMOTIONAL SUPPORT classroom cannot help him hahaha. OMG! So, I need someone that can.
Linda, I have no back up plan. The only back up plan I see in my future is quitting my job, homeschooling my children, and keeping our current psychiatrist. I will live with the behaviors Dylan has. Maybe over time, as he ages, he can get his own therapy. I cannot possibly do everyone elses jobs for them, and that is what I'm doing. I have to babysit the counselor, the therapist, the caseworker and track the psychiatrist down like I'm a starving animal hunting for food. That is unacceptable.
Again, I really think this place is great for kids that are "ODD" and need behavior mod. However, if the parents are not on board, it's not gonna work regardless. Maybe it can, but I can't see it. The place is strict. The rules are clearly defined, consequences set, the HOUSE, itself, awesome.
But the rest of the staff are lax. The therapist is far from impressive. psychiatrist that doesn't communicate. I'd have understood 2 weeks into it. Maybe 3. It's a month. No medication changes. My son is here for the day, and the poor thing is so hypomanic/impulsive. I cry just watching him. He can't help it. Knocked an entire row of baby food off the shelf today at the grocery store, shattering them. He cried, didn't do it intentionally. He's so wired. They keep messing around. Waiting, waiting. Our regular psychiatrist and I would have figured something out by now. Why make my son suffer?
Wendy, as far as the ODD thing from the psychiatrist, it doesn't matter if Dylan was defiant with him. I seriously, highly doubt it, but even if he was, he is to take into account all the notes from staff and therapist, and ALL say "he's so compliant and helpful". Even the therapist last week was wondering why the ODD was there, when he's not ODD! So, no, I have a feeling he's a dope, slapped it on there, and there ya have it. He's a labeler, unfortunately, I'm not allowing that label on my kid.
I will tell you this much, this has been a HUGE eye opener for me. My children, none of them, are difficult child's.