I was thinking that, kris. You read my mind. I was just sitting here wondering if I should start printing stuff.
difficult child 2 logged on! Hahaaaaaaaaa! Soon as he was off, I was logging into his stuff :smile:
Yeah, she messaged him at 4:30 PM yesterday - "where did you go, where are you, why are you in such a hurry to get off the computer?". Ack!
He just pretty much said hi to her, told her he was doing good, really wanted to come home to live with me. Said he missed them, thanked her for the Christmas stuff (she sent Christmas gifts along for him, even though she told ME she took EVERYTHING back LOL!, what the ?!?!?). Appropriate for him.
But all her messages say the same stuff. Wish you wouldn't have left, hope you're happy but you didn't have to go, etc, etc.
I'm going to print her pages out. You're right kris. Because in the end, if and when this stuff blows up in someones face, it's going to be a big he said/she said match. I need docs. Thanks! And tell Jarrod thanks, too :smile:
Linda, I didn't think fosters made a whole lot of money. Something interesting (and not really anything to do with this particular story) I found out from difficult child 2 - he told me the other weekend when he was here that Mrs. K was submitting receipts for clothing (apparantley she has to submit copies of everything she was buying for difficult child 2). Well the receipts for the clothing she was submitting were for pants, a mans size 38/32!!!!!!!!!! difficult child 2, at best, is a 32/32 - in a TIGHT FITTING pant. Her OLDEST boy is a 38/32, and I guess she was using his pants receipts and claiming they were difficult child's :wildone: Oops! Maybe it is a money thing? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm is right, lady.