Transportation question..


New Member
Hi there,
Martie, I know you're somewhat familiar with my SD. We had Obie's annual review a few weeks ago and they qualified him for sped again. 4's and 5's attend in the afternoon and they suggested that I enroll him in a "traditional" preschool a few monrnings a week, to see how he does. I agreed that this was a good idea. I called to ask about transportation, since his Montessori preschool is about 1 mile out of the SD. The Sped director said she's never been able to get an out of district pick up location approved. Should I push this? This is the only preschool that I want for him and I work part time so I have no transp options!

Thanks in advance!



Marti doesn't presently have access to the internet. It may be Monday or later before she is able to respond.