Okay, can you all keep up with this? I just spoke with difficult child and now she is making sense to me and I believe she has not gone back to the boyfriend.
She is still staying at the shelter but will be moving to Seattle itself (right now she is on an island in the Sound) in a few weeks. Her manager at the club where she works is lending her money for the deposit. Apparently this is a transitional housing situation so I assume she pays part of the rent and some agency pays the rest.
She has a babysitter lined up for Liam whom she knows and trusts and she is trying to avoid the boyfriend. He has been nosing around the area where she is but I don't think she has actually had a face to face confrontation with him. She is getting a restraining order put out on him.
She said she is not going back to him, that once he threw that table at her while she was holding Liam, that was it. She says she knows she and Liam will be better off without him than with him.
We talked a lot about what he was doing with her money. He felt that since she could make more money dancing than he could make doing anything that he might as well not work. She said, "what self-respecting almost 30 yr old guy would let a 20 yr old girl support him?" Yes, that has been my question for a long time! Also, he was always full of plans for going back to school or going to Alaska to fish or going back to Chicago--where he grew up. The dumb thing that she did is to hand over her money to him when she came home from work. She has no idea what he spent it on. When my son was with them he couldn't figure it out either. He had nothing to show for the money he was spending.
Oh, Liam is okay--he did not actually have blood in his stools, it was blood from his anus--he was sore from being constipated. He is now on a medication for it and is switching to soy formula. Emily says he is much more comfortable now.
Okay, I'd best go--just wanted to let you know that my mommy gut was incorrect for once! But now it is back on track--I do believe what she was telling me today, she sounded good. Oh, she said she found out she has a lot of friends and she can ask them for help--she feels well supported emotionally.
She is still staying at the shelter but will be moving to Seattle itself (right now she is on an island in the Sound) in a few weeks. Her manager at the club where she works is lending her money for the deposit. Apparently this is a transitional housing situation so I assume she pays part of the rent and some agency pays the rest.
She has a babysitter lined up for Liam whom she knows and trusts and she is trying to avoid the boyfriend. He has been nosing around the area where she is but I don't think she has actually had a face to face confrontation with him. She is getting a restraining order put out on him.
She said she is not going back to him, that once he threw that table at her while she was holding Liam, that was it. She says she knows she and Liam will be better off without him than with him.
We talked a lot about what he was doing with her money. He felt that since she could make more money dancing than he could make doing anything that he might as well not work. She said, "what self-respecting almost 30 yr old guy would let a 20 yr old girl support him?" Yes, that has been my question for a long time! Also, he was always full of plans for going back to school or going to Alaska to fish or going back to Chicago--where he grew up. The dumb thing that she did is to hand over her money to him when she came home from work. She has no idea what he spent it on. When my son was with them he couldn't figure it out either. He had nothing to show for the money he was spending.
Oh, Liam is okay--he did not actually have blood in his stools, it was blood from his anus--he was sore from being constipated. He is now on a medication for it and is switching to soy formula. Emily says he is much more comfortable now.
Okay, I'd best go--just wanted to let you know that my mommy gut was incorrect for once! But now it is back on track--I do believe what she was telling me today, she sounded good. Oh, she said she found out she has a lot of friends and she can ask them for help--she feels well supported emotionally.