I've spoken with him a few times since we reconnected. Mostly he talks and I listen. Although our conversations have been general and pleasant, I can tell not much has changed. He did actually apologize to me for "everything he put me through." Whether or not he meant it, I don't know, but it's the first time he's acknowledged that he even did anything wrong. From what he's told me about his life at this point, I can tell he still has a huge problem with authority and thinks he's smarter than everyone else. He has been up front with me so far as letting me know he's still using. He also said he's been off all medications for quite a while and he knows it's causing him to struggle even more. I pretty much try to keep my side of the conversation very simple. No opinions or advice, just "I'm glad to hear from you, hope you're doing ok, how's work," etc.
We talked about meeting somwhere in the future. He wants me to meet his girlfriend. I'm just glad to be hearing from him.
We talked about meeting somwhere in the future. He wants me to meet his girlfriend. I'm just glad to be hearing from him.