Using probiotics for autistic children

Controlling diarrhea and constipation in autistic children without using antibiotics

Posted By: News-Medical in Medical Research News
Published: Wednesday, 8-Sep-2004

Scientists checking bacteria which live in the intestines of autistic children
may have found a way to control gut problems, such as diarrhea or
constipation, without using antibiotics, according to work presented today at
the Society for General Microbiology’s 155th Meeting at Trinity College Dublin.
“We have found larger amounts of clostridia bacteria in the gut contents of
autistic children compared with healthy children,” says Helena Parracho of the
School of Food Biosciences at the University of Reading. “These organisms can
contribute to upset gastrointestinal tracts, but also have wider effects, since
some of these bacteria’s own waste products are toxic and can interfere with
systems throughout our bodies.”

The scientists are testing lactic acid bacteria to look for varieties which
could slow down or stop the growth of the toxic clostridia bacteria. Six of ten
Lactobacillus strains and one of four Bifidobacterium strains tested inhibited
the growth of Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium difficile in laboratory

“If we can use friendly bacteria as a first weapon to fight the initial gut
symptoms, in a treatment called lactic acid bacteria therapy, we may be able to
reduce bouts of diarrhea and/or constipation in these children,” says Helena
Parracho. “By using dietary rather than pharmaceutical interventions we may be
able to stabilise the metabolism of the children, allowing them to receive more
effective treatment for their gastrointestinal problems.”


New Member
Another possibility is to use D-Lenolate (olive leaf extract) because it actually kills off the bacteria and initially causes a Herzheimer reaction, which means that as the bad bacteria die off, one gets flu-like symptoms and feels worse before they start to get better.

davis family

New Member
hello , Loved the new info. I grab all i can get, my sons newest and BEST dr. ever , said that oral antibiotics kill off all of the good bacteria faster , then the bad bacteria has a better chance to grow and its harder to get it all cause the good bacteria( your defence team is down), is dead, so he says if you need it then get a shot , cause it goes into the blood stream, *Occupational Therapist (OT) - my children(previously sick a lot) have had good results from using
vit. a,e,c ,daily then echinacea & antioxidants and immune boosters when ill ( all Natural) i also have gotten a trick for ear infections too, AND i promise you they get sick way less often and my friends kids get the same illness at same time and mine will get well sooner and theirs are treated w antibiotics by dr it worked for me and im grateful cause i Hate going to the dr.
God Bless,Shannon


New Member
sooo happy that they continue to investigate natural treatments for our difficult child's!

We need more documentation like this so that the typical western medication doctors will think more in terms of nutritional and alternative based therapies.
I read one article where the MD said that he doesn't support homeopathy because he can't figure out why it works. He doesn't deny that homeopathic medicine heals people, he just doesn't understand it.

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