Vaporizers and eliquids


Crazy Cat Lady
Yes, that is Thomas. FINALLY fully recovered from hard times, abuse, and neglect. He's now 12 years old. (His b-day was 8/19), and 10/25 will mark a year since he came home forever.

That is also the very first photograph of him I've ever gotten where he is fully awake, alert, AND freshly groomed, lol!

He is parked in MY easy chair which I almost never get to sit in because there's always at least one cat in it and i feel like a jerk pitching them out of it when they look so comfy.

And yes, he IS a handsome boy, isn't he? :D


Well-Known Member
GN, he looks so beautiful and HEALTHY. You did a great job. He could be around for a long time. Many cats, as you know, live to be 20 and beyond and he is loved and cared for now. You are an amazing cat mommy.


Well-Known Member
He is so handsome. I know how much pleasure and meaning each of you gives to the other.

I hesitated to say meaning, with respect to Thomas. But I have to say, in my home our Stella dominates us, knows our schedule habits and personalities to a T, and maximizes her advantage in every bit of it. I believe she is more conscious in her life than I am in a point. She does not yet read or write.

She is a Siamese mix. I hope that for the rest of my life I am not without her or another like her.

I love a yellow orange male. As a cat person, you know already that colors in cats do correspond to personality. I have always loved the personalities of yellow/orange, black and white short hair and iron greys *although I have not lived permanently with one. And now my Siamese mix, my beloved Stella.

GN? Won't they share the easy chair with you?

How is the insect problem working out? How are you feeling now, some time into the move?


Crazy Cat Lady
SWOT, he is basically healthy so long as i stick to the one food he can digest, which (it figures) is the most expensive of all the premium foods out there: Nature's Variety Instinct Ultimate Protein Duck. Other than having a delicate digestive tract, he has chonic gingivitis which necessitates frequent dental cleanings, and arthritis in his hips and front end, the latter due to having been declawed in front as a kitten.

Copa, the insect problem is mostly under control now as the complex sprayed with something so toxic that pets and kids had to be kept off the grass for a week, one could smell it for several days, and the centipede Thomas was kind enough to to dump into my breakfast oatmeal yesterday AM (causing me to have hysterics) was the first living creature with more than 4 legs I've seen since they sprayed.

Frankly, I'd rather have put up with the bugs than the pesticide, with the exception of hte hornets.


Crazy Cat Lady
Copa, Squeaky shares but climbs all over me in the process. Thomas weighs 18lbs. There isn't enough room for both of us in the chair. If he climbs up on teh back of it, we can share that way, but then he likes to slobber all over my ears and neck, which gets a bit old after a while.