Was I the only one watching GA last night...?


New Member
Argghhh! I missed it last night, too!

The way Meredith's mother was portrayed ~ so bitter, so eager to crush and belittle Meredith ~ what an excellent respresentation of the psychological underpinnings of the abusive parent.

And for the writer to have demonstrated so clearly that the mother CHOSE not to change, chose to berate and victimize Meredith ~ even knowing she would be lucid for only a short while ~ that was genius.

Sometimes, those who have lived through it forget, ourselves, how hard it is just to stand up, after we have been targeted by an abusive parent.

And we forget that it was a choice the parent made once and would make, again.

What excellent writing (and acting) for that dynamic to have been portrayed so well.

I think these issues will be explored further too, between Meredith and McDreamy.

Those episodes, I will have to tape.

Which means I will have to learn how to do that this week sometime.

I wonder whether the writer had an abusive childhood?

I have never seen what that feels like portrayed so well.

And clearly, the mother chose to victimize again.

These scenes affected me so deeply when I watched GA on Thursday that I could not come here and do more than joke about George.

Did anyone else feel as I did?



I don't watch alot of tv, but I never miss GA. I have actually sobbed over this show! The season finale did it for me when Izzy was laying in bed with Denny after he had passed away. I think I have a love/ hate relationship with her though. I thought she was a stinker this last episode towards George and also the young girl in the clinic. I hope shes broke now and will get over her hang ups about all that money...
My fav character is def Christine though. I think her emotions are more real and her reactions sometimes unexpected which I love. I thought the tiff between her and burke was just too cute for words, and how he explained it to Addison a few weeks ago as "playing uncle". Also I liked seeing her and Ellis interact.
I didn't like Addison when the show first started way back, but now I really like her and am dieing for her to get with Alex. I loved it when he told her "what makes you think I want you?" (or something to that effect).......now with her thinking that he may not be attracted, she wants him BAD! Cant wait until this Thursday!!!!!


Thanks for the link--I watched it on-line.

Having a loving, not abusive, mother with Alzheimer's who lived with us for 8 years, I was struck by the unreality of the whole thing. In the entire time my mother was with us--in which she ranged from mildly impaired to your basic vegetable--she never ONCE was her "old self." In the beginning she may have had better or worse days, but she was clearly always impaired to whatever degree was present at the time. I was always dumbfounded when people asked me if she was "lucid at the end?" She hadn't spoken in years--what would she be like--DUH

Marc Cherry (the producer who often writes) is gay; when he told his mother she said, "I'd love you even if you were a serial killer." I think that is pretty abusive.

tm1--do you mean "saying uncle" rather than "playing uncle?" I know how the term was used when I was a child--it meant that in order to get someone to stop doing something painful, one had to "say uncle." I risk starting a Whew/Phew discussion (for old timers) but I was wondering if anyone knew the origin of 'saying uncle" or if "playing uncle" is something deferent that I don't know about.



New Member
<font color="blue">martie, marc cherry is the producer & head writer of Desparate Housewives. shonda rhimes is the creator, producer & head writer of GA.

what did you mean that marc cherry's mother's remark was abusive? i don't see it. she was simply saying that no matter what he did or what he was (sexual orientation) she would always love him. abusive?

kris </font>


Martie, sorry I may have misquoted the "saying uncle" thing. I have memory loss from childhood (hehe), so it could have been "playing uncle" or he may have said, "have you ever played say uncle?" hmmmmm i dunno but your description is what he was talking about.
Oh and my dad has alzheimers and one visit, he knows exactly who I am and calls me by my nickname "punkin" and can recall vivid memories that I had forgotten about! and then the next visit, he his a complete vegetable. Also, he will yell and scream at me and accuse me of all sorts of horrible things and then ask where my brother and sister are, he wants them, not me. Which really hurts because my sis and brother abandoned my father literally in the street and I am the only one who gives a rats behind about him. I can say there have been times when I thought he was completely his old self, "lucid" as they say. And in a minute it can all change and he goes back to not remembering.