Hi desperate - just wanted to welcome you and make sure that your intro is out there for our members to see! Glad you found us! 
I just joined this group tonight, right now and I thought, you know i am the only person in the world who can't stand to be around their daughter. The first thing I read was this. God works in wonderful ways, I can definately state that for sure. I am a married mom of 2. my daughter who is almost 11 (October 20) has just been diagnosed with ODD and a mood disorder. My husband and my 4 year-old son have moved out of the state in order to get away from all the craziness that comes with raising her. She ran away yesterday morning and I had to call the police, she then went to her day camp from 10-3 and I know the relief that you are talking about. I was so happy I didn't even have to look at her for those few precious hours I get 4 days a week. Immediately when she got home, she began throwing a tantrum which escalated into a full blown rage and she hit, slapped and scratched me, destroyed my house and broke several of my figurines. I then had to call the police again. Her therapist came over as well and stated that we should take her to get admitted to a stress center. So, off we go to the stress center. And honestly, I was sort of relieved at the thought I wouldn't have to bring her home that night. But, after 3 grueling hours, they decided not to admit her and back home to a tantrum i went. FINALLY at midnight she went to sleep. I have never been so happy as I was this morning when she got right up and left at 10. So, I know I went on and on, but I know EXACTLY what it feels like to not be able to stand your child, EVEN when they are being good. I also unfortunately understand the guilt that comes with this job of raising difficult children. I am here if any of you out there need to talk.
I just joined this group tonight, right now and I thought, you know i am the only person in the world who can't stand to be around their daughter. The first thing I read was this. God works in wonderful ways, I can definately state that for sure. I am a married mom of 2. my daughter who is almost 11 (October 20) has just been diagnosed with ODD and a mood disorder. My husband and my 4 year-old son have moved out of the state in order to get away from all the craziness that comes with raising her. She ran away yesterday morning and I had to call the police, she then went to her day camp from 10-3 and I know the relief that you are talking about. I was so happy I didn't even have to look at her for those few precious hours I get 4 days a week. Immediately when she got home, she began throwing a tantrum which escalated into a full blown rage and she hit, slapped and scratched me, destroyed my house and broke several of my figurines. I then had to call the police again. Her therapist came over as well and stated that we should take her to get admitted to a stress center. So, off we go to the stress center. And honestly, I was sort of relieved at the thought I wouldn't have to bring her home that night. But, after 3 grueling hours, they decided not to admit her and back home to a tantrum i went. FINALLY at midnight she went to sleep. I have never been so happy as I was this morning when she got right up and left at 10. So, I know I went on and on, but I know EXACTLY what it feels like to not be able to stand your child, EVEN when they are being good. I also unfortunately understand the guilt that comes with this job of raising difficult children. I am here if any of you out there need to talk.