It’s been 2years.. update


New Member
Hi everyone I posed in 2022 about my daughter Brooke.
I haven’t posted since Brooke was massively out of control from 11 onwards she’s now 16! She did in fact go to a therapeutic placement for the sake of my other two children.
It’s not been easy but she is back living at home she did finish school eventually failed but finished.
She’s a little more settled she has a boyfriend he’s calmed her.
Not without her issues though.
It’s been really tough and she still manipulates me all the time I say no she says yes everything is still my fault very near pregnancies doing balloons tattoos (of her boyfriend name )
If I say no we argue and she does it anyway.
I loose my temper and say not very nice things (she also does to me) and I feel like crap and honestly I don’t think she cares.
I wonder if it’s me short temper could let things go more often but as soon as I do ( I let her go on holiday with the boyfriends family really didn’t want to but I did and they came back with matching tattoos).
My partner is always in my ear gas lighting and I can see his point often but he won’t tell her it has to be me.
I’m not sure if it is even gas lighting or maybe it’s worse than I can see .
I feel sad the things I say in temper.
I feel as if I don’t get to have the mother daughter relationship as I do with my other daughter.
Since she’s turned 16 I have no control over at all but luckily the boyfriend is semi calm compared to her anyway so she’s staying at his tonight do I like it? No ! do I have a say?nope! The law is crazy.
I’m bitter I think for the things she puts us though I can see clearly if she didn’t have her boyfriend then we would be in utter chaos. I have the flu she had it a few days then went to her boyfriends even though I told her not to then she bought him here both coughing and now I have it I’m immune suppressed so I was trying to keep out the way now she’s gone to his and her dads for the weekend.
Even though I’ve asked her not to go spreading it to his family further this close to Christmas she just tells me to piss off and mind my business.
She genuinely walked in my room earlier to get something (nothing I don’t think) looked at me as I laid there coughing and smirked and walked back out… because I now have the flu! What even is that she will swear blind she didn’t and would call me crazy but she did and how do you respond to that! I’ve said nothing but it’s a glimmer back when! Any way
This is a positive post well was supposed to be!
I genuinely would have taken this outcome any day of the week back in 2022.

I believe a lot of us on here are paired unfairly I’m an over thinker too soft quick tempered and easily manipulated and hurt.
And she is cool calm collected
I need to work on letting go of the past

I’ve had a few struggles in life and this is the hardest to know she may never grow out of it or apologise or see or acknowledge what I’ve done for her or show any sign of understanding is definitely the hardest part of raising a child with conduct disorder odd and adhd

Take care x


Active Member
Hi Jade 32, It can be so hard when they don't listen or lash out and try to suck us into the tug of war. You might try telling her "Come talk with me when you are calmer." You are bound the get a rasher of verbal junk but if you can then just walk away and not respond. It's never okay for our kids to treat us like this and we need to try to model more appropriate social skills (although boy, can that be hard when they push our buttons!). Hang in there and remember to be good to yourself!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Welcome back. How wonderful that she went to a therapeutic boarding placement. I sense it was of some help, and like you said, it brought relief to the others in the household. Also, this boyfriend sounds like a positive. Hopefully, as she matures all this will come together into a truly positive thing in the end...although not fully manifesting right now. I too often think of all this as one of the hardest struggles. It's painful to watch your child, even adult child, repeatedly making very bad decisions and fighting a lot with them etc and knowing in your heart this might not get better. But, perhaps it's wise to take note of good signs and pray / hope for the best. Stay strong....and make sure you do something nice for yourself. This stuff we are coping with IS hard and we must treat ourselves with care.