Losing our marriages, beginning to think less of our husbands and ourselves ~ these are the signposts of the battle we are all fighting, Robbie. It is so hard to watch a child self-destruct. That is what difficult child is doing. Beating ourselves up for that is not going to help them or change them.
What you are doing now ~ working, going to school, making your own life bigger and your own spirit stronger ~ those are the things that will help difficult child in the end.
It helped me to make a conscious effort to steer my emotions, Robbie. I could not help but see my husband with tarnished eyes when he failed to save the day. What I was able to do is to see success in another light. husband successfully cherishes me, successfully loves his children and does the best he knows through dark, dark times.
If you are going to lose your marriage, Robbie, lose it on your own terms ~ not because difficult child managed to worm his way back in and destroy it.
Let difficult child go. Tend your husband and your home and see what happens, next.
Set a date by which difficult child must leave. Tell him you have allowed time for him to work, get his license, save enough for an apartment. Pick three months, or a year or a week ~ but set a date.
Whether he does those things or not, make him leave on that day.
His choice.
That was the only way we could do it, too.
If you have to pay for an apartment DO IT.