My week started off badly enough with my difficult child having a meltdown over the phone with me. Then I tore a muscle in my calf, and while having it x-rayed they found "significant increase in the bone density." The orthopedist showed me the x-ray and there is a shadowed area in the bone. He "can't say what it could be without more tests," so I get to worry until I have the MRI next week and then wait four days for the results. A few hours after getting that news, easy child/difficult child daughter calls to tell me she's found out her husband has been having sex with the 18 year old babysitter for about 6 months. Her husband is a recovering alcoholic/addict who just finished his 4th stint in rehab. Life with him has never been easy but this has devastated her, she has 4 kids. I'm 2 hours away from her and feel terrible that I'm not there. I know I can't fix this but she needs a shoulder to lean on. Boy, it's true, bad things seem to come in threes, don't they?!