Who'd of thunk it...


Well-Known Member
My difficult child worked....(wait for it now)....110 hours in the last two weeks. That's right ladies (and gentlemen) he worked a real job, making real wages. His boss told him he was going to make him is "go to" guy. difficult child asked me what that means. He even got one of his difficult child friends a job with him and told him "Don't make me look bad."

I'm going to order him some chef pants for his birthday. He will be 21 on May 1st. But, in true difficult child fashion---he wanted an Xbox for his b-day. And because he is doing so well, I ordered one for him. It came in last week, and he stayed up until 4 playing. But...he still got up and went and worked a 10 hour day the next day. I'm so proud of him right now I could just burst.


Well-Known Member
He just called on the way home. He's been at work since 12. He said he would have gotten off earlier, but the guys who work lunch don't do what they are supposed to do--then he said,"That's okay. If I keep doing the work I'm doing, I'll be the one getting a raise and they won't." Who is this man, and what has be done with my child?


Very cool. Will this man take on apprentices as young as 10 with major attitude who are driving their moms crazy?


Well-Known Member
Alright! Way To Go....happy dance...Way To Go difficult child....yeah....and an early happy birthday.

I didnt realize your son and my oldest are just one day apart. Hmmmm.


New Member
Wow! What terrific news. My own difficult child has been acting more like a easy child these last few weeks, and I too am left to wonder, "Who is this delightful human being, and will you please stick around?"

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