There's a fairly big circle of chicken-and-egg going on, I think.
If your gut is acting up, you don't feel like eating.
If you're not eating well, you mess up your blood sugar and/or hormones.
Messed up blood sugar and/or hormones can bring on nausea, and make you feel less like eating.
Not eating shrinks your stomache, which makes it harder to eat a "real" meal.
And then, just when you really start to feel out of control... you decide to take negative control of the one thing that can break the cycle: food.
For the immediate situation, he needs nutrients more than calories.
Frequent small nutrient-dense snacks would help level out both the blood sugar and the hormones. Can he take "meal" out of the equation, and eat a snack every hour? Control the food in ways other than just not eating?