New profile posts

Hi I'm new here. I have a 19 year old son who is an addict. I am so tried of trying to help him he does not care.
reached the end of my rope with my son not wiping his butt thanks for putting yourself out there so we who think we're alone know we aren't
i am at a loss with my 5 year old she is very destructive im in tears every day
i am at a loss any advice
shes already broke everything she got for christmas
I am new to CD My daughter is not allowing me to see my grandson, she has anorexia, drug abuse& Mental Health. Can anyone help me?
one of your replies. Regarding enabling an addicted child. The division of spouses and the last line. Telling the child to either go to rehab or move. Exactly what I told her to do. Because problem has gotten to almost physical violence between her and myself, I left.she is my step daughter. Husband left and took his belongings, and daughter IS IN THE HOUSE. I'm so angry husband didn't stand up to her
Married to the love of my life 36 years. and two children and my kitties..Special Education aide and Animal rescue work..