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Would you call the police on your 34yr old Son
We suspect 34 yr old son has broken into our house manly because he lives right next door and the only thing we can find that has been taken is food/booze/movies. He lives next door with his girlfriend, her two children and his son (my grandson). 12 years ago he stole checks and forged my signature.
Would you call the police?
We installed a security camera now for our away times in the hopes we catch him or whomever.
I feel like calling the police right now on my 35 year old daughter for stealing money but for some reason I can't. What I can do is change my locks and codes and get my name off of everything with her name on it even college loans. I think all children try stealing little things when they are younger but over age 16 your moral compass better be on. Listen to your heart it will guide you.
Thank you to all who responded to my thread. Your comments are very affirming & supportive.
Single mom here trying everyday to better our lives. 2 adult kids , my son has seizure disorder & is my rock. My daughter , well...
Hi sending love and hugs your way I'm just gone past with such a heavy heart on the last effort. I know every story is different except the likes of me and you and us all hope and dream and love no matter what but I have just realised after so many years letting him go letting him fall is the best thing for him . What I perceive his rock bottom is actually no where near his rock bottom xxxx
Single Mother with 16 year old son that is defient, expelled from school and smokes pot regularly, drugs occasionally, wreckless behavior.
Sept 9, 2017. Repledged to be the steady core, one day at a time. Days so far = 0. I blew it again on Sept 25
Grandmother raising 13 yr.old grandson since he was 2. His Mom in and out of his life due to drug use.
I'm making lemonade by turning to my To Do list when that "pit of the stomach" feeling happens. It's the shortest it's been in years!
I am doing so much better now. I have not been in contact with my daughter for 18 months.
Amen. I had to break contact for 3 months with my daughter. It set her right for a little while but now she is back to acting awful. A little break for me will be in order. It is nice to have a day where I am not being lied to, used, abused talked to ugly and deceived. It is called freedom.