My 18 year old is stealing from me non stop. Stealimg credit cards, cash ...
it's been so many times. As much as I don't want to get the police involved, I don't know what other options there are. I am so broken hearted. There's more but I just can't right now. I'm exhausted.
And that's why I asked if you "sponsor" son will be 28 this month and lives in another state. Since I stopped enabling him our relationship is almost I no longer get asked for anything..he doesn't keep in touch at all and I'm grieving that I guess. thank you for listening
RE, thank you for your kindness. I currently attend Alanon mtgs. I've seen it take multiple years to reach the level of acceptance & detachment that you have with your ad child. When you "unofficially" meet someone who knows the struggle & has gone way beyond it, it gives me hope.
Your group sounds pretty great. I'm currently attending alanon and although the focus is on me I am looking for someone who has the issues with their adult child but has gotten to the place of acceptance self love and care. Thanks for responding RE.
Hello RE, thank you for your experience, strength and hope. I too have joined a group of like minded people and I'm learning how to detach from my son's choices and the outcome of those choices...I know I can't do it without the help of those who have gone before me. This is a shot in the dark, but in the group that you attend do you sponsor? Thanks