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Mom of 3 adult children - one of whom will be the death of me. No drugs. Brain injury from being hit by a car but no diagnosable reason why he can't take care of himself. Seizures but totally under control with medication. I. Have. Done. Everything. I can think of to "help" him to the tune of well over $25k. He is 41. I am 66. I pray and pray and pray.
see if therapist can work with him to set some goals. can he take public transit? They might can put him in an adult home where they help him work toward independence. If he’s not working he could apply for Medicare, Medicaid, disability and live independently in government housing. Sometimes if their income is lowenough the government will provide free rides in a van to door appointments and grocery store.
Married 44 years. Two adult sons, one of whom is 30 and doing well while living overseas; the other is almost 35, addicted to fentanyl and homeless in Phoenix with no phone. He came to us through adoption at four months old and was a wonderful child. Started to fall apart in his early 20's. We live in the southeast.
Hi, I just joined today and realize that in my first post, I wrote my son's name and wish I hadn't. If it isn't a ton of work or trouble, could you delete where I say "my son Matthew, 23" and just have "my son, 23".
In search of parent support from others whom struggle with child/children with ODD/ADD I feel so alone!
Make a post above and let us know specifically what is happening. 🤗
crying, lost, empty, useless, bewildered, frustrated, baffled I just really don't know what's the point of me being here.
Hi. My husband and I are deeply involved with observing supporting and encouraging our sister in Christ as she is learning how to navigate this situation exists inside her family. Her 20-year-old son, our nephew, is a nonproductive, unemployed, narcotics user, and alcoholic.
First time here. Struggling this Thanksgiving. Feeling depression coming on. Son is 49 in California & unemployed for nearly 2 years now. He's been trying to make it as some sort of futures trader. Now getting down to the bottom of his pit…no money left, not paying his debts etc. He has his vehicle he has been living out of. I could go on & on. He is on medication for bipolar & adhd. I’m in north carolina. So far away.
Oldest son is biracial, adopted, 33 yo with a fentanyl addiction, living on the streets in Phoenix without a cellphone or even I.D. We only hear from him when he can get to the library. Youngest son is 28 yo and doing well. We live in a small town outside of Atlanta, GA.
So happy to find this place! My son is 16 and struggling .My best friend has kids his age and it’s like honor roll! Omg track star! Omg so happy at prom !
I know I’m a bad person but sometimes I want to be like “ oh wow so happy for you !!!!”
Yesterday I finally said “ my son is almost at a 60 and MAY not have to stay back !!! “
She’s like 👀.
My envy isn’t cute …
I don't think it makes you a bad person to tell your friend to be more considerate. Otherwise, what kind of friendship is it if you are not there to support each other? I know I have many acquaintances, but truly, I have no friends because there isn't anyone in my life who's been there for me through thick and thin. Maybe I am too picky, but life taught me to be selective with people in the inner circle.
I just joined. Have an older daughter who is driving me crazy…demanding, yet demeaning. Ugh
Hello, This Jan 1 will be 13 years since my son was killed. He was 19. My surviving son Ray is now 33 and an active addict an is homeless. He has 2 beautiful children that I had to help his mom gain full custody of. We have not spoken in almost 3 years other than horrible text messages he sends me, I have now blocked him.
Today I woke up hopeless and depressed. I turned to this forum and feel so much better. I am feeling more hope for my ability to detach and live my own life.
Hi, just found this forum again. I am not very good with forums.
Brokenmom, is there something we can help you with? Are you having difficulty posting? I’m not sure what you mean by not good with forums. Let me know, ok? I’m glad you found us again.
Hi Nanadina, But found a link talking about bailing her son out of jail. So just click on that and here I am again. That post was from someone back 2013. How to follow a person or find them again I do not know how to do that. I had forgotten I even had an account here.
I am a formerly difficult child who was diagnosed with anxiety and ODD and medicated with Prozac at age 5. At the time of my diagnosis in the early 90s, I was in the first wave of very young children treated with Prozac and was used as a case study for the effects of Prozac on young children, in the treatment of ODD and for long-term treatment at higher dosages.
I am a single parent of two grown up boys, both having A.D.H.D. and one having added issues such as autism and mental health problems, anxiety. I need help and advise how to cope any further before I make one of them homeless, as I can not cope and he is making our lives a nightmare?
I am a mother of three adult children and grandma to five loveable grandkids. My son is bipolar mixed. He has come a long way. And I'm thankful. My youngest daughter has several mental health issues, one I'm sure is a Borderline (BPD). Because doctors don't live with her, they seem to miss this diagnosis.
I can emphasize with your situation with your daughter. Part of my daughters Borderline (BPD) is the ability to be incredibly charming, manipulating many a “ professional “ to overlooking Borderline (BPD). The seriousness of her mental illness was not seen by providers until we had a team of in home therapist & mentor.The unfortunate reality is my daughter did not improve and she / we struggle to this day dealing with her Borderline (BPD).
Raising my 7 year old grandson who was a neonatal abstinence baby now diagnosed with ADHD and mood dysregulation disorder. This is the hardest thing I've ever done but my love for him keeps me going
the trick is not to give up, even if those around you do. And don't really understand the reason why he is like the way he is. You know that he can't help most of the way he is, he was born that way - just take a little more time and patience to deal with some situations.