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I am new to this site and have a soon to be 21 year old son that needs more than I can give sometimes.
Mother of 4 . I work full time, Married 27 yrs, Christian, and three children that see nothing wrong with smoking weed.
Hi Scent of Cedar
I am somewhat new to this site and stumbled upon one of your posts to MommaRN and have to tell you,I cried reading your words.It was like you were in my head."We have to create moments of happiness,no matter how small" words that are so,so true.It's all that sustains me.Thankyou.Words so very needed on this particular day : )
I've wrote my son and have told him not to contact , call or come over until he gets the helps he needs. . He's on drugs, homeless
Donna illig
Y heart goes out to you. I'm on a similar situation. O kicked my daughter and her boyfriend out about a month ago. I ha e no idea where they are. My daughter has called me, and tried to make me feel guilty, but I told her, that her and her boyfriend has to be clean before I see her. I think you have to stick to your guns. I believe once their an adult they have to decide to become a responsible adult.
Divorced Mom of 20 year old son and 18 year old daughter. Trying to come to terms with a son who is throwing his life away.
My wife without her being devistated? I read about both Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and autism and our son displays alot of the characteristics used to diagnose
I'm a 32 year old father to a beautiful 22 month old son. I think he may be slightly autistic or have Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) (asperger syndrome), how do I tell
Need advice and support from others going through the same thing. Losing hope