New profile posts

troubled daughter age 24, middle child. Husband in middle of cancer journey with surgery scheduled.
Hi Tab. I just saw your post from 4 years ago about your son being addicted to Triple cccs. My son is as well and he too takes 2 boxes every few days. He learned about it in the Marines and was discharged because of drug use. We are going through everything you’ve been going through and I am hoping you may have some words of wisdom.
I am about to kick my 20 year old drug addicted son on the street. I am frightened to death that the next thing i will hear from his is OD
Mother to 16 yo daughter diagnosis CD/ODD/DMDD. Borderline (BPD) is diagnosis from Dr. Mom, but I know now it is "he who shall not be named" under 18.
I've finally made the decision to evict my 22 year old son. This is one the most heart breaking decisions I've had to make.
Hi! My name is David Williams and I'm trying to reach the owner of this forum. Do you own this forum?


Im 54...and so consumed with my son I am not living my life.

I am 57 and can repeat your line - I am not living my life either. I never thought of it that way, but today is a bad day. A very bad day.
You are not alone . . . thinking of you in RI
Trying to detach from my son...I am too obsessed with his well being and happiness to the point where I am getting physically ill.