New profile posts

I was researching yet another medication our psychiatric recommended for DS and found this place. Love that other parents have "been there"!
Hard choices: walk on egg shells and wait for your sanity to crack wide open or walk away and hope that some day it all makes sense.
Hi. You sound like I feel. Some days I my head screams, I can't do this!
Also, I'm new to this so please forgive me for mess ups
I was a good mom. And, part of being a good mom is letting go. But, for some it's a rocky road being together or apart.
It has been awhile since I posted about my adult daughter. She finally reached out to me after 3 mo by sending a note
I have boy girl twins 15 years old and I am a single mom and I don't know where to twins are out of control and I am scared
Have 3 year old grandson living with us Now and had no idea what could be wrong with this child
Thank you for your deep God driven wisdom. You have helped me more than you ever know. My love is sent to you in abundance.
New Leaf
New Leaf
Love in abundance back to you Newstart. We all help one another by sharing our heartache and lessons learned over time. One big one for me, comes from Maya Angelou "If a person shows you who they are, believe them the first time." I will always love my two, but have to build a thick skin, for self preservation. I pray the Lord guide and keep us, every one. Aloha!
Almost 60. Absolutely lost. Son who brought me to this forum is now dead from OD. Have lots of fences to mend.