GStorm Jan 13, 2018 I am so thankful for this website. I do not wish what we are going through on anyone, but I must say, I am glad I am not alone.
I am so thankful for this website. I do not wish what we are going through on anyone, but I must say, I am glad I am not alone.
J J Joy01 RedCedar Joy01 wrote on RedCedar's profile. Jan 3, 2018 I understand. I'm coming to that stage now. It gets so tiring sometimes. Ive struggled with my 32 yr old son for the last 18 yrs on and off.
I understand. I'm coming to that stage now. It gets so tiring sometimes. Ive struggled with my 32 yr old son for the last 18 yrs on and off.
RedCedar Jan 2, 2018 I've made it a goal in 2018 to learn and practice detachment with love. It's not going to be easy; I know that, but I need peace.
I've made it a goal in 2018 to learn and practice detachment with love. It's not going to be easy; I know that, but I need peace.
The exhausted tiny bear Dec 27, 2017 Today’s been a huge disaster as usual I’m tired I wanna check out of life but I know I can’t
The exhausted tiny bear Dec 25, 2017 Striving to make it to the next day put on my I’m fine mask and go
T T TinaH Dec 15, 2017 Married to a workaholic, Mom to 3 adult "kids" and 2 adopted special needs boys, Nana to 2 adorable toddler grandsons.
Married to a workaholic, Mom to 3 adult "kids" and 2 adopted special needs boys, Nana to 2 adorable toddler grandsons.
S S So tired of it. Dec 11, 2017 I know it's my fault, I keep rescuing her every time she calls crying! Help me, I don't know what to do.
I know it's my fault, I keep rescuing her every time she calls crying! Help me, I don't know what to do.
T T tbidaughter Dec 7, 2017 Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) daughter still in jail begging to be bonded out. i told her noone will do it she needs help its the only way.i feel bad its.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) daughter still in jail begging to be bonded out. i told her noone will do it she needs help its the only way.i feel bad its.
4 4 4Mommy Nov 30, 2017 Single mother of 4 & feeling scared, helpless, & lost because my oldest, nearly 19, is going down a dark & dangerous path.
Single mother of 4 & feeling scared, helpless, & lost because my oldest, nearly 19, is going down a dark & dangerous path.
B B Bangi Nov 23, 2017 Young father with a history of drug abuse hoping to provide insight on the younger generation i belong too
Young father with a history of drug abuse hoping to provide insight on the younger generation i belong too
Brittney Nov 23, 2017 I could use some advice on deal with an angry defiant 7 year old currently looking into therapy for him, I'm stuck on what else can I do?
I could use some advice on deal with an angry defiant 7 year old currently looking into therapy for him, I'm stuck on what else can I do?
T T tbidaughter Nov 22, 2017 i cant stop crying over this whole thing. the system has failed her and now i feel i am