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  1. The exhausted tiny bear

    Everyday is bad day we no longer have good days

    Ya thank you for listening and being so kind this really helps to get it out I used to hold it in but this site has been a saving grace for me
  2. The exhausted tiny bear

    Not even sad just numb borderline don’t care

    Update cops found her in a house that reeked of drugs most likely weed and heroine but still no consequences or charges filed wouldn’t help me look into a program asked her if she wanted to go to rehab though of course she said my other daughter immediately locked her door started whispering and...
  3. The exhausted tiny bear

    Everyday is bad day we no longer have good days

    I’m so disappointed they brought her back admitted the house she was at smelled of drugs yet no consequences I asked about programs he told me go to bed and work it with her tomorrow oh well I guess
  4. The exhausted tiny bear

    Everyday is bad day we no longer have good days

    15 yes I did this time when she ran away she’s actually still missing right now but I can tell from her phone that she’s obviously logged in somewhere we do but in her case she’s too I guess extreme she doesn’t even want to go to school and she’s been caught doing drugs on the school property...
  5. The exhausted tiny bear

    Everyday is bad day we no longer have good days

    I whole heartedly agree she does but it always seems to fall back on me I’m at my wits end all she does is drugs get suspended and runaway I feel trapped in my home and I have no where send her either once she even left the door wide open I was in the shower anything could’ve happened but thanks...
  6. The exhausted tiny bear

    Everyday is bad day we no longer have good days

    Thanks ya me too probably won’t do to much she ran away and is hiding with parents who supply these teens with drugs I don’t even know what to do I need to find out if I can press charges on her for drug use or not I’m so tired I think this might be my only way
  7. The exhausted tiny bear

    Not even sad just numb borderline don’t care

    Well daughter ran away I reported it but honestly I’m not to worried maybe if they find her in drugs the system will do something about versus me struggling to keep her in line I’m at my wits end she came home lied about the principal and the profanity shirt then started screaming and throwing...
  8. The exhausted tiny bear

    Everyday is bad day we no longer have good days

    Not even one hour of being back to school after Christmas break and I get a phone call she’s wearing a shirt that says f you it could be worse atleast this time it’s not revealing a body part Should I just lock up most of her clothes up and give her specific outfits two for home two for school...
  9. The exhausted tiny bear

    Today’s been a huge disaster as usual I’m tired I wanna check out of life but I know I can’t

    Today’s been a huge disaster as usual I’m tired I wanna check out of life but I know I can’t
  10. The exhausted tiny bear

    Tired upset and I want to give up I’ve lost my self and my child

    I haven’t recorded them especially recently o don’t want to get into a wrestling match with her if I even attempt to block the door she will begin screaming I’m hitting her My other daughter locks her door at moments like this and I don’t dare ask her not to Yes he still has those anger...
  11. The exhausted tiny bear

    Tired upset and I want to give up I’ve lost my self and my child

    Merry Christmas thanks for the warm greeting and advice in general I’ve been fighting this battle in the dark for awhile no one remotely understands my situation or well the people in my life I agree I’ve taken the phone away since Christmas and there are plans to return it I said last time if...
  12. The exhausted tiny bear

    torn between two

    Well she needs more than anything to be moved away from the people contributing to her habit such as other children giving her pills or parents who might even be pretending to me to get her out of school my family owns a bit land in different state limited and quant but decent doctors are...
  13. The exhausted tiny bear

    Tired upset and I want to give up I’ve lost my self and my child

    Yes words can cut like knives at times Thank you for your kind words it helps to know I’m not alone in experiencing this kinda behavior a part of me knows it’s not selfish to feel that way but the guilt is unbearable as one mother to another thank you for lifting me up even in your time pain
  14. The exhausted tiny bear

    Tired upset and I want to give up I’ve lost my self and my child

    1. Yes briefly I did not even five months if that it just wasn’t heathy he himself relapsed several times over the years I hear tell he is clean now not sure and haven’t seen him in 12 years 2.well I kind of guess she did as moved in with aunts thinking having more help would be good for both...
  15. The exhausted tiny bear

    Striving to make it to the next day put on my I’m fine mask and go

    Striving to make it to the next day put on my I’m fine mask and go
  16. The exhausted tiny bear

    Tired upset and I want to give up I’ve lost my self and my child

    Before I begin please excuse my grammar and punctuation or lack of I just need to get this out sometimes it feels as if I’ve gone crazy my 15 yr old daughter has never been the best behaved child but I figured her outbursts and fits were normal the doctor assured me there were no signs of odd or...