
  1. P

    Son on drug cocktail...now prozac!

    My son is 8 years old and needs help. I dont know where to start. What started with focus issues at school has become more of a behavior problem. At first I was against medicating but the school complained that he was being rude and disruptive. So I caved. Since then he has mostly been on...
  2. T

    New diagnosis

    My son has had health problems since 13 months. He had his first seizure then. He also has asthma, allergies (gets 2 shots once a week), was recently diagnosed with Aspergers and ODD. I've known for years that there was something "different" about my son. He is 11. The fits started at about...
  3. W

    A Confirmed Diagnosis and a Tentative Diagnosis

    So we have finally had the dr.'s appts. we have been waiting for. The paediatrician was on Saturday and not only did I appreciate him seeing my child on a Saturday but he spent quite a lot of time with us and never seemed rushed to leave - only focused on the situation at hand. difficult child was very...
  4. B

    Crazy thoughts, needing some guidance from experienced parents!

    Hi again all, I posted awhile back about my son, who lives with his mother in another state (12yo boy). He is in a special needs school for education, had a normal IQ, but has OCC, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED), Depression/Anxiety issues. He is currently on Zoloft, Guanfacine, Adderall, and Abilify. He lives...
  5. Z

    Introducing us

    Hello all. So glad to find this forum. I am married, mom to twin six-year-old boys; we live in the Hudson Valley. Right now we're homeschooling and it's driving me :rollingpin: The boys were born at 27 weeks and spent three months in the NICU. Twin A ("Bug") had a brain bleed when he was born...
  6. J

    Welcome Jessi

    I am sitting here listening to my seven year old son scream at the top of his lungs because I have had it and put him to bed early! His father has mental disorders that at 40 have remained untreated but I had no idea how much till I had his son. I have had to go to court over and over just to...
  7. J

    difficult child in the hospital/new diagnosis

    difficult child is in the psychiatric hospital again. 4th time this year. Her Dr, who I am told is very very good and was assigned difficult child because she has had so many numerous hospitalizations. She is taking her off the Abilify all together, and they are putting her on Trileptil. Is this good news? She has gained 40 lbs...
  8. TiredSoul

    Back on Intuniv - sick of the rages

    So..... whenever difficult child rages and turns our household upside down - I go into crisis mode and want something to change immediately. After Tuesday night's rage, I faxed a letter to the psychiatrist saying I wanted to take difficult child off Concerta entirely and just try Intuniv alone. (Background: He just increased...
  9. M

    Is Risperdal worth the weight gain??

    This is my first post, but I've been reading posts and gotten alot of ideas and insight into my difficult child. difficult child is on .5 mg of risperdal twice a day and 1mg of Tenex at night. The risperdal has been a god send.. Wonderful results.. but her weight is getting out of control. She's gained 20 pounds...
  10. B

    Non-stop talking - how to handle without more talking

    I am new to the site. I had to laugh when I saw the note that said if I found this site I was probably having a bad parenting day. Boy, am I in the right place! We have been having a tough time with non-stop talking with my 12 year old son with BiPolar (BP), Adhd and ODD. When I say non-stop I mean...
  11. W

    HUGE Blowup tonight

    And was so close to having to call 911...man, it's like he KNOWS where the line is and he will NOT cross it. It took a lot of people convincing me (once someone TOLD me that was even on option) that it was ok to call 911 if he should become a threat to himself or others..and I finally have told...
  12. J

    I need help: 6 year old son with Oppositional Defiant Disorder/Mood Disorder /ADHD

    My son is 6 years old and in kindergarten. He was diagnosed when he was 4 with mood disorder. The psychiatrist at the time said he is too young to be fully diagnosed with a mental disorder because his brain is still developing/growing. So my son was labeled a mood disorder patient. The...
  13. D

    My child is very destructive

    My gift from God is 12 adhd, rule out turrettes,bipolar,odd,takes adderall and abilify. She is my 5ththe rest are grown and on thier own. She at times will through things when mad but not often. in daily life however things are wasted broken damagedat an amaZing rate and no amount of time or threats...
  14. N

    New member, frustrated

    Hi, I'm new here. I just found out that my 14 year old son has Conduct Disorder. He lies, steals, has sexually molested his adopted brother at his Dad's house (he lives with Dad), is defiant, doesn't follow rules, all of these things are part of the disorder. He just started taking the drug...
  15. M

    The Good, The Bad, and The Out and Out UGLY

    Have not had a chance to update here on what has been going on since I last posted. I did take my Daniel to the psychiatrist and I DID get his medications changed. He was kept on the Clonidine 0.1mg at night and the Depakote ER 500mg at night but what was added was Haldo 0.5mg and Lexapro 10mg. He...
  16. dirtmama

    time for me to join in

    Hello everyone! I guess it's time for me to join in. I've been returning here constantly as I scrounge for information on how to help my son(s) and our family. I have an awesome son that's 8, 3rd grade, gifted, diagnosed with- severe adhd 2 yrs ago and more recently behavoir disorder not otherwise specified, sleep...
  17. klmno

    seroquel and getting high

    I just came back from visiting difficult child in juvie. He was saying that kids on seroquel will sometimes cheek them, then use the seroquel as a bet while playing cards. He says the kids say it can make you high. Did everyone except me already know this? I'm kind of glad now that psychiatrist changed difficult child...
  18. gcvmom

    Camp ends tomorrow -- good week overall!

    difficult child 2 had only one timeout today -- YAY! Again, for minor stuff. No violence, no inappropriate behavior with other kids. I think the Seroquel bump is working, but I'm not sure if this is truly enough yet. He's still a bit impulsive in the late afternoon now (at least we're getting a couple...
  19. Shari

    Principal calls. difficult child sleeping. Wants me to come get him, he's "wasting their time".

    Lately, my brain hits immediate overload when I have to deal with this carp. So instead of rewriting this, this is the email I sent to the SpEd director. What the heck??? "I just received a phone call from Principal. difficult child apparently slept yesterday morning (this is the first I heard of this)...
  20. S

    advice needed for adhd medication

    Has anyone's child tried Vyvanse? If so can you tell me what you think of it? My 9 yr. is currently on 54mg concerta and i don't like it or at least it doesn't suit him well. I would like to find something else with a lower dose. He has tried adderall but that didnt work well either. He was on...