
  1. N

    Day from HELL

    Ok, I just posted this and it erased it so now I had to totally had to retype this..just add to my **** day, please.. difficult child has been doing really well lately, or so I thought. He has been having stellar reports from daycare and has been really good at home. This week has been off. He's been...
  2. crazymama30


    For those of you with kiddos on abilfy, I have a question. difficult child was just increased to 5mg. I have always given it at night. psychiatrist mentioned difficult child may need a morning dose and I was just wondering if anyone had given abilify twice a day and did it seem more effective when given this way? difficult child has...
  3. A


    We went to psychiatrist today for our 2 week check. Last time he took difficult child off of Ritalin and added Concerta and also added Abilify 2mg. difficult child has really high anxiety and has even before the medication changes. Over the past week he can not go to sleep, Abilify is only at 2 mg. Dr's only suggestion switch...
  4. M


    Anyone willing to share their thoughts about effectiveness, etc., of Abilify? I've read about it but would like opinions from those who know firsthand. TIA.
  5. N


    Hi, I am the fortunate mom of four kids. One precious one has been diagnosed since 2 1/2 with Early-Onset B.P, Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), sensory processing disorder (SPD), ODD, and some others that are under her umbrella. She has been on medications since December. After five different medications, I think we have found one that finally gives her...
  6. DramaQueenLucy


    Went to see the new P-doctor today and we talked medications I had thought that he would raise difficult child#1 Celexa but the doctor wanted to add Abilify to the mix. Anyone had any experience with this medication?
  7. D


    Hi everyone! I would love to tell you that everything has been going smooth around here... But I can't. My difficult child got suspended yesterday for the second time of his kindergarten year. He will be missing the last 2 days of school. He had started on risperdal and along with therapy things were...
  8. nvts

    Abilify and difficult child 1

    Hi! He's on 8 mgs. 4 in the a.m. and 4 in the p.m. All was right with the world, but things are changing. Drooling, aggressive behavior is returning, stiff legs, back and now shoulders, "droopy", seems sedated. The anxiety is creeping back in as well. My question: Anxiety seems to be the...
  9. wakeupcall

    Cost of Abilify

    Ladies, how many of your children are on Abilify? My difficult child has been on it a couple of months and I believe it's helping with his moods. He's no longer crying 4-5 times a day. BUT......the cost, even for our insurance, is almost prohibitive! A three month's supply is about $2,000...
  10. G

    feelings on abilify

    mt difficult child II is on 20 of Abilify. I and his teacher feel that's too much but the Dr. won't lower it. I know the wellbutrin is making him irritable and I hope she'll pull him off soon. Any thoughts?
  11. M

    Abilify and CD?

    Hi all!! Sorry I have been MIA...lots going on around here (as I am sure you all can commisserate with!). Hubs got home a few weeks ago and has, to his credit, jumped in on the "no freedoms" policy for SD2. She had no clothes or toys in her room, but she took her furniture and left her with a...
  12. C

    Lamictal and Abilify

    My 12 year old son's psychiatrist just just recommended weaning him off Zoloft and starting Lamictal - he's starting with 25mg. Then in about 3 days he wants him to add 2mg of Abilify. Any info you can share about these medications - especially pertaining to weight gain, sleepiness/sleeplessness, irritability...
  13. J

    Off the Abilify

    I have been slowly weaning my daughter off the Abilify. Today was one of several good days we have had in the last week. She actually was helpful and got right up this morning, called out I love you and made it to the bus early. I was almost afraid to say anything because I don't want to jinx...
  14. J

    abilify withdrawal

    hi to all, hoping everyone is well. i'm waiting on columbia to contact me today with evaluation dates and grand total on what this is going to run me. their willing to work out payment plan which is great. wonder how payment plan on 10K looks......ugh anyway rin's arleady experiencing...
  15. Big Bad Kitty

    Tink on Abilify

    She started out on Metadate, then Focalin. I told the doctor that while she was less hyper, she sure was nasty. We explored bipolar again, and agreed to try Abilify. Does this build up, or fast act like a stimulant? I'm not quite sure I notice much of a difference in her behavior, but she has...
  16. S

    Question on Abilify

    Does anyone have any experience with Abilify? My difficult child is 8 and has been taken off risperdal due to excessive weight gain and is now on Abilify to assist with his mood disorder. Since this is a new drug for us, I was wondering what others have encountered and whether or not positive results are...
  17. S

    adderall plus abilify?

    It's been a while since I've posted. My son was taking 10ml of abilify in the am and 5ml in the afternoon. It was in liquid form. He was also taking procentra. Both were working well until he started getting a strong dislike for any form of liquid medication. He started spitting them out. After...
  18. M

    from Abilify to Trileptal, was dystonia

    So we are trying to wean him off of Abilify and transfer him to Trileptal and Trileptal doesn't seem to be working quite as well. His dystonia is down by a lot, but his mania is higher and I don't think it's too long before he assaults someone or melts down in school. Tried for the first time...
  19. J

    abilify vs risperidone?

    My son is currently on Abilify. With some of the insurance changes happening at work, I worry about how I'll be able to afford it going forward. It will be over $500 a month. I was looking on the insurance website and Risperidone would only be about $20 a month. Obviously I prefer the cost of...
  20. E

    sudden phobias from Abilify?

    Could the 10 mg. dose of Abilify my 16 yr old daughter recently started taking have anything to do with her new and uncomfortable fear of getting hurt or killed in cars or elevators? She rode an elevator comfortably last week but tonight said she was having scary fantasies of plunging to her...