
  1. forkeeps251

    ADHD to autism...?

    First some quick background: difficult child is 7, speech delayed, ADHD, and has anxiety. Thats what he has been diagnosed with, we can also add to that depression (wants and tries to hurt himself), low self esteem, and is behind in most subjects. Kindergarten was rough for us, he threw chairs, hit kids...
  2. F

    Totally overwhelmed with my life right now!

    Hi everyone! Haven't posted in awhile. I am very overwhelmed and not sure what do to. My 8 year old (ADHD, depression, sensory processing disorder (SPD) +ho knows what else) is on medication and has been getting better the past month or two, but the past couple of weeks things are going downhill. He is incredibly needy...
  3. F

    Videotaping difficult child behaviors

    Have any of you videotaped your difficult child's behaviors? If so do you use these videos to share with doctors? I am conflicted about this. I have said many times that I am going to videotape my difficult child but then feel like I am violating him somehow if I do. BUT...I just don't think the doctors can...
  4. R

    Strugglin' horribly with 11 year old with Conduct Disorder & Personality Disorder

    Good afternoon all. I am new to this site but very happy to have come across it. Perhaps, I can find a spark of hope again. I am completely exhausted today from stress and anxiety and not sleeping well last night so this won't be long, but I promise to return with more energy. I am a...
  5. C

    So helpless with my five years old

    Hi thereMy five years old is so out of control we don't know what to do anymore.He was diagnosed with childhood apraxia at 3 years old and after over a year fight with the school department, he finally Occupational Therapist (OT) IEP and started Special Education.I put him in daycare for the morning and school bus will take...
  6. E

    New Member, can use advice,

    got a feeling you've all heard this one before! difficult child son is 15, oppositional from day 1, but a very sweet kid when he's not having a tantrum. Always needed a "pacifier" (toy trucks, batman figures, etc). Was diagnosed ADD, executive function issues a few years ago. Hates to read, or sit...
  7. F

    Thoughts/Advice for medication

    It's been a while since I've been back here. We are at our wit's end with our eight year old son's behavior. He is currently on 200 mg. Seroquel, 10 mg. Lexapro, 30 mg. Metadate. His raging outbursts are far worse than ever. We have spent nine months at this psychiatric clinic, and it seems...
  8. J

    Wild Mood Swings?

    Are these commen with an ADHD, ODD, Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) diagnosis? I just worry about S. At one point his pediatrician wanted him evaluated for bi-polar but when I brought it up to the psychiatrist he said he didn't think that was necessary. I just find it amazing how fast he can go from ****** of to...
  9. T

    Brand New to the Forums

    I'm not familiar with all the abbreviations used in the forum, so please bear with a newbie! My situation does not seem to be unique. My husband and I have been married for 4 years and we have a combined family of six children. My youngest step son has been a challenge for as long as I can...
  10. E

    Theft & difficult child's

    What do you got? I need ideas! I need help! I need suggestions, tips, whatever. Gfg15 stole yet again this week from someone at school. My kid needs help! And I do NOT know how to help her! It hurts so very bad to watch her keep making these poor choices. PMIC staff have told the school to...
  11. D

    ODD & Tenex

    After 2+ exhausting years of increasingly bad behaivor from my now 4 year old son, I turned to the internet for help and came across this site and others like it. I read article upon article and researched mood disorders, ADHD, Autism, everything I could come across until I found an article on...
  12. C

    New here - Looking for help

    Hello, I am new to this forum and am looking for advice/help with my 5 year old daughter. We have an appointment with a pediatrician in December to start the process of having her assessed. In the meantime, life at home has been very difficult. She is disruptive to the family and I don't know what...
  13. whatamess

    Ritalin and the perfect/horrible day(s)

    Ok guys, help me out here. difficult child started on 5mg/2x a day of ritalin almost two weeks ago, after a few days of no change the plan was to up it to 10mg/2x a day. On day 5 of the medications difficult child had a spectacular morning at school, refused afternoon medications and was aggressive and acting out. Tuesday took...
  14. M

    How to handle "rebound" effect of stimulant?

    I'm curious how some of you may have handled this - we have tried stimulants with varying degrees of success, but the most successful was Methylphenidate - night and day effect with my difficult children. The problem is when they come off it, they are absolutely hell on wheels. We tried some of the longer...
  15. K

    Is this depression? long..need opinions.

    Some may remember last December (December 19 to be exact), It was the first day of winter vacation. difficult child had started taking Topomax the previous week to help control his headaches. On this date he went to a friends, but called to be picked up. He was feeling funny. Like in a daze. Didn't know...
  16. J

    Update on difficult child/Pretty good.

    I couldn't find my earlier post, so I started a new one. My difficult child is in the psychiatric hospital. right now. She is doing pretty well. They increased her depression medication from 150 mgs to 300 mgs of Wellbuterin and a small increase of her Adderall Xr from 35 to 40 mgs. She is showing a lot of defiance but...
  17. TiredSoul

    Day 15 on Intuniv - HELP PLEASE

    Today is day 15 on 1 mg Intuniv. Tomorrow we are supposed to go to 2 mg. Tonight difficult child is so completely out of control. He is belligerent, combative, quarrelsome, antagonistic, contentious!!! He is annoying everyone! He is in all of our faces. He is acting like a crazed maniac. Looking back...
  18. W

    difficult child failing school - suggestions/advice?

    difficult child is failing most of his classes and is in very real danger of failing 8th grade. He simply just doesn't do the work - both in school and out-of-school. He will do some on occassion; for example, 2 weeks ago I received a call from the prinicipal telling us how proud he was of difficult child for...
  19. P

    Of Bipolar, Bedwetting and Stimulants

    OK, I have rasied this question with several Dr.s with no luck and so now I need to bring it to the experts - yes I know that I should have came here first :) When 'Junior' (my pre-sociopathic buddy) was placed on 5mg of Adderal (in addition to his Depakote and Seraquel for Bipolar) his...
  20. B

    Help with teachers and my child... please read.

    I have a 7 year old boy who is in 2nd grade. He is on an EIP at school but his teacher is still complaining. Now so far my child is making A's and B's all excpet 1 60 he got on a reading test, other than that lowest grade is a 88. The teacher sent home a not about him not staying on task, not...