
  1. S

    Lost as to what to do

    My son is 15 and is so horrible. He swears at everyone including me. He had an iep in school and is in learning support classes as he has been diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) a mood disorder adhd and Tourette's just to name a few and the most recent ones. As he is over 14 he has refused to take his medicine...
  2. S

    First post... 8 year old violent ADHD in shared custody situation

    First-- Hi. I'm new, I've been reading through many of these posts and it's helping me realize I'm not alone. Second-- I just ordered that book everyone recommends, the Explosive Child, and that will be my weekend task this weekend. Here's the situation. Dad's sister is diagnosed paranoid...
  3. K

    Need help

    i have a 9year old stepson who I have raised since he was 2 1/2 . He had a rough start in his early years and was taken from his mothers care by social services . My husband and I could tell early on that something was going on with him and we suspected ADD. My husband was against medicating him...
  4. Tylersmom1979

    Coffee and teenagers?

    My son likes coffee sometimes. Ive given him decaf before. Is it okay to give him regular coffee? He does have adhd and does take an adhd pill in the morning. Thoughts?
  5. Tylersmom1979

    Help for me on what to do with 14 year old

    I have a 14 year old boy. He has had issues since kindergarten and it has gotten progressively worse. Hes on vyvanse, Depakote, risperidol, adderall in the afternoon, Zoloft, and clonidine to help him sleep. He has been in and out of hospitals since last year for trying to harm himself...
  6. kim75062

    6 year old son keeps getting kicked out of school

    Hello everyone. I am new to this site, this is my first post. I have read a lot of similar stories on here about kids that sound like I could have wrote them myself about my son. Unfortunately I have only seen lots of new parent posts with the details of the problems but no follow ups with...
  7. Mumoffive

    My son has Adhd, hypersensitivity disorder, anxiety and possible ODD

    Hi all. I'm new so I don't know if I'm in the right place but here goes. My son is seven, ever since he could move in my stomach he was over active, we have tried all the normal drugs for Adhd and have had to settle for dexamphetamine. Recently he has become dangerous to himself and us, he gets...
  8. Tina Hannah

    Where do I start?

    I'm a stay at home mom of four boys all of which have ADHD, & two of them have argumentative defiant disorder, my husband also has ADHD. My husband has battled substance abuse throughout our 20+ years of marriage until last year when he received treatment and stopped drinking. Two years ago...
  9. Shari

    Is it worth trying other stims?

    Or since the Ritalin made my child a raving lunatic, are they all pretty much in the same boat?
  10. F

    Black box warning on ADHD medications (?)

    I saw a blip on Discovery Health at around 4am but can't find an article. Anyway it sounded like they were saying that the FDA is going to be adding a black box warning to ADHD medications for a couple of reasons, one of them being irritability and agitation (don't quote me exactly). Also said that...
  11. J

    Anyone tried the new Vyvanse for ADHD?

    Been a bit since I posted as difficult child was maintaining pretty nicely. We had finally reached therapuetic level on Depakote. Since he was mainaining well, the psychiatrist decided it was time to address the ADHD. We started with Dexedrine, but it did not really have any effect. We just started the new...
  12. barbie

    In desperate need of help, tips, insight

    Okay let me introduce myself first as I am new to this forum, my name is Barbara, I am 30 yo mother to three awesome kids who make each day one I fight for. My eldest Linda and beside something of a klutz she is fine. My middle daughter is Danae she is 5, she is diagnosed with ADHD, and then the...
  13. jdharris79

    Newbie from Canada

    Hi, I really hope you do not mind that I am reaching out from up here but theres not much support around my "neck of the woods" lol. I have 2 beautiful smart independent sons, my youngest is 19 months and his father and i have been together for almost 4 years now who has also stepped up and...
  14. Lothlorien


    Why is it that family members that see your kid only once in a while say stupid things like "Gee, she seemed fine the other night, when I was there."????? It's as if they are questioning my capabilities as a parent. That just sooooo ticks me off, Especially when they are so little involved in...
  15. mum2JK&TH

    Update on difficult child

    Went to Neuro - he seemed at a loss What am I missing here? We are now trying the 1/4 tablet of Clonidine (Dixatrit) at 8 am and then at 4 pm and continuing the Concerta. He did not know what Tenex was so I had to call him when we got home to give him the brand name (I guess it is different...
  16. C

    To medicate or not

    Hi Yesterday my 8 yr old son was diagnosed, over a 3 year period, with ADHD and also ODD. At the moment i'm having the medication arguement with myself and would love to hear from you all regarding your own experiences.
  17. P

    New here

    I am new here but by no means new to messageboards. I am at my wits end up my daughter(difficult child#3). Currently she is upstairs screaming that I am mean and she hates me. As much as it hurts me, I am able to just turn my back and walk away which sometimes stops the screaming. She was a preemie born at...
  18. CAmom

    Depakote trial for possible bipolar--what to expect...

    The psychiatric at the Residential Treatment Center (RTC) was asked to evaluate my son for possible bipolar based on the program coordinator's observations over the past three months, and the psychiatric wants to try depakote. I'm aware that this is a drug used for seizure control but know nothing about it in terms of treating bipolar...
  19. S

    Help!!! My son was just diagnosed with bipolar/odd

    My 8 year old son was just diagnosed with bipolar part i, mixed/odd..i'm not sure what to do now?? He was tested then diagnosed with adhd by another doctor back in 2008 so he has been on medications for it. He was still having problems at home and school after going thru several doctors one finally...
  20. J

    Losing control

    I am a single mother Who just recently returned from a year in afganistan. My 2 kids just moved back with me about a month ago. My 6 year old has had behavior problems going on almost 4 years. The last week he has been acting up at school and daycare, bad enough I had to pick him up. When we...