aggressive child

  1. 2

    Lesson Learned

    For the past few months, I have had my children on a "diet". The rule of thumb being: If it wouldn't have come out of my grandmother's kitchen, they don't eat it. Everyday, I make bread. Thank goodness for a breadmaker. I make my own cereal, granola, and high protein cookies/cakes, etc...
  2. ready2run

    just an update

    last time i posted on here, we were trying to give up custody of difficult child to foster care. husband has changed his mind on that and difficult child is still here. the social workers pretty much said too bad, they aren't taking him he's our problem, not there's. the lawyer said we should try putting him into a group...
  3. Shari


    This summer, Wee has gotten even more hyper. His impulse control has gotten worse - he is frequently in someone's face or throwing things at someone. He is starting to back talk and is getting more defiant. It feels that my patience has been tested to the end. Just being with him is...
  4. A

    Day late and dollar short

    I just feel absolutely broken; I think I found this place too late. There simply is no peace in my house. My daughter seems to be actively trying to have herself removed from my care by CPS. Lying to her teacher, counselor, nurse, and/or school psychologist. They seem to think she craps gold...
  5. J

    Losing control

    I am a single mother Who just recently returned from a year in afganistan. My 2 kids just moved back with me about a month ago. My 6 year old has had behavior problems going on almost 4 years. The last week he has been acting up at school and daycare, bad enough I had to pick him up. When we...
  6. T

    Guanfacine Proscribed for 3.5 year old with ODD

    My 3.5 year old son was prescribed Guanfacine for Oppositional Defiance Disorder which was just diagnosed. My son has been incredibly difficult since he was 15 months old. We have had issues with biting, throwing, hair pulling, refusal to get dressed, constant screaming and temper tantrums...
  7. gcvmom

    Trying a new "I'm not available" tact with difficult child 1

    difficult child 1 was off school all last week and (no surprise) his IBS was much better -- less stress, less anxiety = less pain. It was also no surprise that this morning he was feeling crummy again when he got up. I do not doubt that his pain is real. But I do believe that I may be too available for...
  8. K

    new to this site

    hi i am the mother of a child who is diagnosed with generalized epliepsy and adhd and oppositional defiance disorder. he is three and a half years old. he throws massive fits with screaming and crying sometimes it seems for no reason at all. he has good days when he is awesome and days that are...
  9. buddy

    I am starting to dread mornings.

    I know I caused some of reactions of course reinforce some of the behavior but it is so hard to not react negatively to being hit or called names. He doesn't have concerta on board yet or the clonidine extra morning tab dose (he has the patches on and they were bumped up). Every...
  10. Stef


    Hello, My wife and I are new members. We have a 16 year old son who was originally diagnosed as ADHD about 12 years ago. He's been somewhat controllable until he hit around 15, now he's out of control. His mouth toward us would shock a drunken sailor, he's been in trouble with the law, doesn't...
  11. T

    Some non-critical advice wanted

    I just want to ask that people dont critize me or put me down, call me names or dis-credit my parenting. Trust me I feel bad enough and didnt come here for critism, I came here for support. So I dont know how to deal with my emotions about having a little boy living in my home who has ADHD, ODD...
  12. TerryJ2

    difficult child just got kicked out of school permanently

    I got a call from the principal, Sr. C, about 20 min. ago. She said that the contract we signed came across her desk and difficult child could not miss more than 2 days of school. I must not have read the fine print; I thought it meant with-o a dr's note. He has had a cold and sinus infection. I got a dr's...
  13. K

    Another "newbie"

    Hi all and good morning. Just joined the site this morning, but thought I would get my introduction out of the way... I am 30 yrs old and engaged to my fiance of 5 yrs. We are a blended family with my 7 yr old son from a previous relationship and my fiance's 10 yr old daughter from a...
  14. K

    Horrible and scary weekend

    I am on my way out right now. So must be quick. I am terrified. difficult child lost it, blew up, totally out of control, worse than I ever saw. We had attempted to go to dinner with easy child, his birthday is tomorrow and we were having his birthday dinner. All was fine until we got there. We took two cars...
  15. W

    Autism Spectrum and Meltdowns

    Hi everyone, I used to visit this forum quite frequently, and now I'm back - years later making another "first post". Yes, it's been a bad day - a bad week, actually. Our youngest boy (age 9) has an autism spectrum disorder (Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)/not otherwise specified), ADHD, apraxia of speech, and ODD-like behaviors as well...
  16. dirtmama

    time for me to join in

    Hello everyone! I guess it's time for me to join in. I've been returning here constantly as I scrounge for information on how to help my son(s) and our family. I have an awesome son that's 8, 3rd grade, gifted, diagnosed with- severe adhd 2 yrs ago and more recently behavoir disorder not otherwise specified, sleep...
  17. Wiped Out


    Sorry I haven't been around much. I've been reading but feeling too down and too exhausted to respond. This whole hospital stay has us thrown for a loop. I posted that we were going to bring difficult child home Wednesday afternoon for school and then he would spend the night and probably end up staying...
  18. X

    Should I Hospitalize My Son?

    My 8 yr old son has been having violent rages, self-injury, and injuring others on and off since he was 4 years old. Each year as his illness progresses, new symptoms, and psycosis appears. He was diagnosed at age 5 with Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, and sensory processing disorder (SPD). Now at age 8... things are changing...
  19. C


    Does anyone have any experience with Cymbalta? This has just been prescribed for my 15 year old who is currently taking vyvanse and fluoxetine. We are weaning from fluoxetine and going to Cymbalta to help with morning waking and agitation? Thank you for any input!
  20. 2

    Not sure where to go now...

    I am new on here, have been reading the posts for a while now. My difficult child is 11, he was diagnosed as ADHD and ODD in 2003, and added depression in 2007, and Psychosis in June of 2009. We live in a small town with very little resources available locally, he was hospitalized for 7 days during the...