
  1. D

    back again

    I have not posted for a while, but I guess I have a need to vent somewhere safe. My difficult child is so out of control it is eating me up inside. He is only 7 afterall... His new thing is that "i am not his boss, therefore, he does not have to...) The real kicker is that usually it is something for...
  2. J

    now i'm loosing it

    hi, this isnt good i'm supposed to be ok for her and now it seems i'm loosing it yet agian and while at work. i'm afraid to take xanax here. don't know how it's going Occupational Therapist (OT) make me feel been a hwile. i've had bad day obviously. hard time iwth her this morning, i climb all the way up to...
  3. twistedfrog


    Just found this place and am not sure where to post this so thought this forum would work. My husband and I have been dealing with our daughter and her issues for so long now that it has started to have a negative impact on our marriage and our son. Let me back up a bit. Our daughter was...
  4. B

    "I'm depressed since I'm on this diet."

    Gee, I feel bad. I hope he doesn't think I'm punishing him. I keep telling him it's just because I'm concerned about his health, but he said he was depressed since the diet. Since he doesn't have the interest in looking good that other kids his age have, it really has to seem like torture for...
  5. M

    Ready to try medications

    I am a bit nervous as we are seeing a new psychiatrist tomorrow. We got rid of our lousy kaiser insurance that had zero support for difficult child in terms of therapy of any kind. I want to try a stimulant for the inattentiveness. I realize that it might not work. But more importantly, I'm realizing that because...
  6. Lothlorien

    how many of you started on these?

    I'm curious about how many of us, here on the boards, have started on anti-depressents after dealing with our difficult children? I was told that I have PTSD/depression. This was recently. I started taking Lexapro about a month ago. I was so depressed that I was just crying all the time. After about a...
  7. K


    Ok..difficult child went to the doctor the other day, after about 6 months. I asked about the evaluations mentioned here. It is a big medical complex and they do all those tests, but I was told no need to do that, it would be a waste of money. he has shown that he CAN be good. He increased Lamictal to...
  8. T

    New and Afraid

    First of all, "hello". I've been researching the web late nights for the last month, trying to find answers. I'm exhausted now as I type, so please forgive me any misspellings - I get the feeling however that most here are tired most of the time as well. You have my heartfelt sympathies. I...
  9. M

    Survey-medications due to stress/depression of difficult child'S?

    I was curious to know if any of you began taken medications because of the stress/depression of difficult child'S? Is this common? If yes, what kind of medications and for what? Depression/Stress? Thank you in advance for your response. ME AND THE BOYS
  10. Alisonlg

    Update on M...

    So...M's out of control "manic" like behavior started Thursday night (after his last dose of Tenex was Thursday morning)...it continued all weekend...Friday included jumping all over the furniture, non-stop movement, speed-talking, exaggerated fake laughter, not being able to go to sleep because...
  11. M

    Bad Night

    Everything set off difficult child tonight. No matter what I said or did it was wrong. He was angry, crying, pouting. He even smacked me on the arm out of frustration, immediately saying "I'm sorry". I think he was tired and I know his allergies were bothering him (chronic, horrible) He kept expressing his...
  12. Shari

    I'm falling

    Apart again. Friday, I struggled to get up and to work. And in fact, didn't go. difficult child 2's teacher called before I got out of the house (she calls every Friday), and it was the same ol', same ol', but I found myself curled in a ball when the call was over. I stayed home, spent the day with...
  13. B

    Bipolar medications update

    The doctor just called. They will be taking my daughter off the Concerta, if they can get her to agree to take a new medication. She freaked out and demanded to stay on Concerta, saying she needs it to concentrate. She wasn't even open to a discussion about it. I told the doctor to tell my difficult child that if...
  14. C

    Why do they do this?

    I just found, stashed away in S's room, dozens of her medications which she has been hiding. They were Celexas, Seroquels (which she just got taken off of a couple weeks ago), and Tenex's. She claims they were from a long time ago when she went on a medication strike (years ago), but I know that's not so...
  15. G

    should I be worried

    Yesterday difficult child II had MRI (finally) now we are waiting for results. But he still has been more and more violent with us. Yesterday he really had a bad melt down and threatened to kill me while I am sleeping with a knife. I was trying not to show that it bothered me but my Dad was there and he...
  16. wakeupcall

    NO one should have to live like this.

    If my husband treated me as my difficult child, I would leave him. I may have to leave both of them because I'm not sure I can do this any longer. difficult child is on spring break and the fight is on. He has kicked me, refused any request, told me to "shut up", and made the far**** sound toward me, not to mention the...
  17. K

    Newbie ... in desparate need of help ...

    ... or just some friendly voices ... My situation is fairly complex, and yet simple at the same time. I figure I'll give some background first so that everyone gets an idea of who we are. I'm a 33 year old divorced mother of five. I live in a merged family with my SO. Two of our children...
  18. S

    Institute of Living "results"

    Hello, I had just recently found this site in April after a few years and got some advice from many of you to look into children's hospitals here in Connecticut. I called Yale and got no luck, but the Institute of Living (IOL) took us in. Since I posted, things became significantly worse while...
  19. M

    For Those Who Parent Shuffle

    Do you ever feel guilty for wanting them to go to their dad's house? I get so tired sometimes. Because difficult child has had so much separation anxiety, my energy reserves are pretty stretched most of the time. And unfortunately, difficult child seldom wants to go to his dad's house. I'm sure a time will come where...
  20. S

    School Issues already

    Well, My son is 5 years old and he started kindergarted last week. I got a call from his teacher yesterday saying that was hitting kids, blowing in their hair and when asked to stop refused. He was caught lying and pulling a girls hair. The same day I got the call he pushed his bestfriend...