
  1. smallworld

    Welcome Julie!

    Julie, I took the liberty of pasting your post into its own thread so our members can welcome you properly: Good Morning everyone, my name is Julie and I am new.I don't even know if I am doing this right because I am really bad at computers.You all seem so kind. I have 2 kids Maddie is 12 and...
  2. M

    Another thread about medication reactions

    I generally don't talk about the medications I try because there are always tons of bad experiences out there and I want to keep an open mind about our trial. So we are trying zoloft to see if it won't take the edge off of the anxiety and ocdness. It's been about 4 weeks now. I have decided today...
  3. Janna

    Anxiety Is Fun

    That was sarcasm for those that didn't pick up on it lol. Talked for about an hour with Dyl's therapist today. It's pretty obvious the Concerta isn't doing anything but making his anxiety worse LOL! LOL! Lucky me, eh? Did I say this was the last drug we were gonna try? Hmmm Don't remember...
  4. Janna

    Week 1 therapist/psychiatrist & Zoloft ??'s

    We held our one week review today. therapist/psychiatrist/myself/D and our MH/MR worker. D is doing MUCH better, thank God, with his initial anxiety of being placed. The first few days were very, very rocky, but the last several have been good. His spirits are much better, much happier - many gripes, but...
  5. Alisonlg

    Met with psychiatrist *finally*

    So we had an appointment with M's psychiatrist Thursday morning... I swear, I don't think he even listened to my message on the voicemail!!! I left a VERY detailed message describing M's "manic" behaviors, etc. and when I got in his office today I had to re-describe it all and when it started and how long it...
  6. L

    Who of you had to go on medications for yourself!!!!!

    I was just curious to know is there any of you who had to go on medications to help you cope with your difficult child? My sons psychiatrist has put me on SSRI to try and help me be less stressed, anxious, kind of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).....in general to help me have more patience and not loose it easily!!!! Ok....I was first on...
  7. S

    difficult child comes home Monday

    And, I am scared to death. I do not know how we are going to do this. When we were at visiting hours yesterday she mentioned coming home Monday, and I said something about school on Tuesday, and she said I'm not going Tuesday. Back to where we started. So, did she learn anything? I did put...
  8. S

    Day 3 of PHP

    And she was up and ready on time. But, before anyone gets excited and cheer, the weekend was $h!t to say the least. I am so tired of crying over this child of mine. Friday night she stayed up all night from what I could tell. I think she finally went to sleep around 5am. She had riding...
  9. A

    Fears abound again - like before psychiatric hospital

    difficult child is down to 1/2 tab of clonazapam 3 times per day (.25 mg each time). He has started to feel the fears he felt last Summer. He says he just feels afraid for no reason and his head is starting to feel funny again. :( We have a medication doctor appointment tommorrow afternoon. I am so glad we started...
  10. Janna

    Yup - Mania Confirmed

    per therapist at partial. I was on the phone with her today because psychiatrist still, since Thursday, has not returned a phone call or email. She's about ready to get fired :angrygirl: therapist confirmed my thoughts - mania - rapid cycling. Racing thoughts - noisy, disruptive (although not intentional -...
  11. M


    I feel my life force being choked out of me by this anxiety. difficult child calls for me almost every night to lay down with him because he is scared. I can't leave the room or he freaks. I'm not kidding. I don't understand why this is getting worse. I have very few people in my support system and difficult child...
  12. M


    Hello everyone, I will try and write you more later if I am not too tired when the boys go to bed. I wanted you to know the Doctor (my new Dr. whom I am excited about), prescribed CIPRALEX for me. I am not happy that I feel I need to take these drugs (antidepressants). But, living how I do...
  13. klmno

    What would you do??

    This is a medication question so I'll brief recent medication changes for difficult child..(his next appointment with psychiatrist is Jan 12, or sometime that week- psychiatrist will not want a phone call before then.) Before Oct: Lithobid raised from 900 to 1200mg/day; depakote er remains at 500 mg/day; AP's had been tried prn but didn't...
  14. Alisonlg

    What would you do?

    Well, we're still seeing a steady increase in anger, irritability, outbursts, etc. (in fact, his outbursts have gone from a rare occurance to several times a day now), so thank goodness our psychiatrist appointment is tomorrow. I'm guessing the psychiatrist is going to do a medication change- I can't imagine he'll see this...
  15. D

    Is this where I should post??

    Really not sure where to begin without completely boring all of you. I stumbled on to this site while trying to figure out why our 13 y o was becoming worse to discipline, talk to, be in the same room with, etc. I am in desperate need of advice, maybe even comfort from other parents/moms who...
  16. flutterby

    medication questions

    We have pretty much run out of AD's to try - unless we want to try the tryciclics (sp). Nothing has helped much (Zoloft, Welbutrin, Celexa, Lexapro, etc), and Prozac made difficult child intensely depressed complete with suicidal ideation and, at one point, a note and a plan. We are currently doing a medication...
  17. gcvmom

    Another skin picking thought...

    difficult child 1 is still picking at his upper arms, and now one of his knees has scabs on it from picking. Something jogged my memory about a medication he was taking up until the start of the summer which was right around when the skin picking took off. We dropped the Elavil (a tricyclic) he was taking for his...
  18. K


    What do you think. Several years ago when difficult child had been on Lamictal for 3 years we tried lexapro. Ten mg. difficult child didn't sleep for days. Then psychiatrist added remeron (sp?). Then he was so totally messed up we had to start from scratch. He started back on Lamictal - his request last fall. Not...
  19. C

    seeking support (WNC GAL???) as my daughter had suicidal issues, in PRTF now

    I have been a member of another parenting group that has disbanded but probably "fit" better in this group. Think I have figured out difficult child - does this equal "Gift from God" and is a euphemism for an adopted child?? If so, I am a single mom (my bio son died on 8/12/04 from a heart attack due to...
  20. ChiefDramatist

    Increased Aggression - new medications?

    First post! Every forum has its own unwritten rules, so please be patient with me as I learn the ropes!! Thanks! Help! Hubby was the one who found this forum and suggested I join. My difficult child has been on Risperidone for a bit over a year. Her serious Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is nearly controlled, but she is still very...