
  1. R

    new here

    Hello everyone, I have been checking this site weekly for about 6 months and decided it was time to register. I have a difficult child who is 8. We adopted him when he was 4. He is actually our nephew that we did not know until the age of 4. He lived with his bio parents until the age of 3 and then he...
  2. TiredSoul

    No Stimulants work! ADHD/ODD, 7 yr old

    Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I've been here. I have run out of ideas.... and need some input from all you experts out there. difficult child, m, 7 yo: diagnosis'd with ADHD combined type and ODD 2 years ago. We have tried: Focalin Adderall Vyvanse Bright Spark (
  3. crazymama30

    Morning hyperness

    Wow. difficult child is so off the wall lately in the morning before his patch kicks in. It is crazy. I am also wondering if he is a little hypomanic, as he has been irritable at times and Thursday he was up at who knows when. I was up at 5am, and he was up playing with legos(at least he was quiet...
  4. nvts

    Abilify and difficult child 1

    Hi! He's on 8 mgs. 4 in the a.m. and 4 in the p.m. All was right with the world, but things are changing. Drooling, aggressive behavior is returning, stiff legs, back and now shoulders, "droopy", seems sedated. The anxiety is creeping back in as well. My question: Anxiety seems to be the...
  5. W

    Need Feedback on Depakote-difficult child at it again!!!!!

    Hello, I have been away for awhile and need advice. My difficult child is diagnosed with bi-polar. He has currently been taking Abilify 10.0 mg 1x/day and Clonidine 2 times/day (1/2 pill in am and 1 and 1/2 pill at bedtime). He continues to struggle with moods,oppositional behavior and has started some new...
  6. J

    Clonidine Dosage?

    Hello! I recently posted that my daughter has started Clonidine. She was taking 1/4 of a pill (the bottle says 0.1mg). We didn't see any improvement or change in behavior. I called after 2 weeks and her psychiatrist increased the dosage to 1/2 the pill. It has only been a few days, but I...
  7. A

    And I'm Back

    So, the last time I posted or came to this forum was in 2008. We did the neuropsychological testing in 2009 at the Bluebird Circle at Texas Childrens Hospital in Houston and they said there was nothing wrong with him other than ADD. Sorry I never responded to anyone back then but I actually...
  8. buddy

    Clonidine Patch Issues ...trip to ER again....

    Q has had a few issues for the last couple of days and once again it i s on the last 2-3 days of the patches which are supposed to last 7 days. both the ER psychiatrist and ours said they usually rx for every 4 days for this purpose....for some reason, some people's bodies just dont let it...
  9. B

    Clonidine - any experiences with this?

    Blue has raged for 2 days straight - up to 3 solid hours of screaming at a time. The only trigger I can even think of is the fact that we have been packing for vacation. (he was in foster care in his early years) His NeuroDoc wants him to start Clonidine at bedtime - I will pick it up today...
  10. Second Time Around

    Out of the shadows after 5 years

    Hello everyone, I'm new to posting, but have been reading this forum for 5 years. I know, what took me so long? o_O This site has been so helpful to me the past few years. It's given me a lot of ideas and a place to feel like part of a community, even though I've just been reading your...
  11. C

    pediatrician says diagnosis :V40.9 UNS MENTAL/BEHAVIORAL PROBLEM...

    for both kids. He thinks Anxiety still for daughter and showing some signs of Aspergers (but he cant say on the diagnose because she did get worse at her new school so he knows something is wrong but not sure. He mainly asked her about depression and friends, how her school work is, etc. Asked...
  12. M

    504 meeting and Clonidine

    We had a great meeting yesterday. Manster's teacher kept telling the rest of the group that he was one of his best students and even through he'd had a couple of bad weeks those weeks were better than 30 percent of the class' best. It was nice to hear. The 6th grade team with the exception of...
  13. HMBgal

    Battle weary Grandma and Grandpa

    Summer is killing me already. My sig says it all (I just updated it). I pretty much had a sobbing breakdown today. I have the kids from 7 am (6 am on Thursdays and Fridays), M-F, and Saturday afternoon through Sunday evening. So yeah, with my husband and myself most of the time. The...
  14. C

    Sons Out Of His School..It Just Lovely $%^&

    Well, son will be pulled out today as they are working on the paperwork. I cant get up there yet to sign as I cant physically get him in the car and make sure he sits still in the car to withdraw him. So somehow I gotta get up there today to sign it. He thinks hes going to be home schooled...
  15. TerryJ2

    difficult child had his first really bad day at work--2-1/2 wks!

    Hey, I was expecting him to run home the first day, so this is amazing. Of course, I didn't tell him that. Last night we had to "share" the car (this is becoming more of an issue lately). I dropped him off, and he said to pick him up at 10. Sometimes there's a game or some issue so he stays...
  16. C

    Over 20 minutes of violence and threats to kill me and watch me bleed...

    Son is angry because HE wouldn't get out of bed and wouldnt get ready for school ( his sister finally did and went I posted under Californiablondes post wasnt going to make a new one Im sorry but Im shakin up so I made a new one). So he poured Windex and body washes in the sink, broke his door...
  17. dstc_99

    Frustration with the Bug

    Bug has been driving me crazy for a while now. Her grades are always poor. She wants me to tell her I love her all the time. She constantly needs reassurance that tiny achievements are acknowledged. I swear the neediness is driving me nuts. But even worse is the fact that her achievements are...
  18. S


    difficult child is 10. Diagnosed ADHD for approximately 3 years. On 37mg Concerta. We've been having issues with impulse control and hyperactivity. His pediatrician just prescribed Clonidine (.05 right before bedtime) in addition to his Concerta. Of course research turns up cases of sudden death when...
  19. W

    Medication making meltdowns worse?

    I sat here typing out our story to share with y'all and I realized something.... It seems as if every time we changed/increased medication my son's behavior worsened. I understand the whole medication thing is trial and error, but we've had two psychiatric hospitalizations in less than a year for...
  20. M

    BiPolar (BP) and Clonidine

    psychiatrist remarked on difficult child's attention problems and suggested clonidine. Says a new, time-release, version is coming out in a few months. Mentioned Strattera as an alternative but more unpleasant side effects. Now that major behavior issues are under control with Abilify I am reluctant to medication him...