
  1. whatamess

    Ok, I just have to ask your opinion on this strategy

    In a previous post I mentioned that my son (who is on the spectrum) makes strange noises... a lot. He does this at school, loudly, in class, in the libraray, pretty much everywhere. Mostly they are yelps, but can be other vocalizations. I think he meets criteria (I can't remember if our...
  2. Stef

    psychiatrist Says- Can't Help

    difficult child and I went for a "medication management" review with the beloved psychiatrist, and were told that basically nothing more than what's being prescribed will help him. Presently difficult child takes Risperal .5mg x 2/day. We were originally told that .5mg x 2 would be a starting dose, and we'd most likely go up a...
  3. S

    First appointment and frustrated

    Ok not really a First First Appointment but first with a psychiatrist. Been seeing a counselor for our son who is 5 and has been diagnosed with ODD and ADD. The counselor recommended this psychiatrist so that we could look into getting my DS on medication before we try behavior mod. He has a...
  4. J

    manic again ugh

    ok so i totally shouldnt' be complaining at this point. I posted yesterday how great difficult child is doing in school, such an improvement on social level with this medication, etc. all of that is absolutely great. Yet it's now after ten, i gave her the medication at 5:30 today with plans to get her in by 8:30 9...
  5. TerryJ2

    Oh! What a morning!

    difficult child waaaay overslept. When he finally got up, 5 min. b4 we were supposed to leave (I had carpool) he said none of his clothes fit him. He tried on 4 pr of khaki pants (dress code) and none fit. I placed an order last night for larger pants (in 15 mo's, he's gone from a 10 reg to an 18 slim*) but...
  6. S

    neuropsychologist evaluation, what should I be aware of ... m

    difficult child has never been formally tested privately or by the school. He's currently on a 504 only. I'm having him privately tested over the summer, then will address the school to place him on an IEP. I know they may not consider the private testing I am having done but it's more for my piece of mind...
  7. R

    difficult child acting no different off his medications??

    Ok, so Ive been taking in everthing thats been said to me about difficult child being on stims and if he is not accurately diagnosis'd (adhd/odd) than stims are actually not helping him. The psychiatrist has told me before that he could go all weekend without the medications if needed ( when he goes to bio dad's because bio...
  8. TerryJ2

    How to tell ADHD from Anxiety?

    I've noticed this popping up in a few threads lately. How does one tell the diff between ADHD and anxiety? I know it's not cut and dried, and it's easier to tell as they get older, but are there any real hallmarks? When my son has wheat, or when the Adderal wears off, the first thing he does is...
  9. allhaileris

    Bedtime routines or easy(ier) ways to get them to *stay* in bed

    We have tried Melatonin. For a week it was going okay, but then she decided she didn't want to take it, so we took a couple nights off. Then I gave it to her again (3 mg) and it didn't work! 3 hours later she was still bouncing off the walls. She takes no medications right now so it's not like...
  10. crazymama30

    I really fouled up

    I was supposed to reduce difficult child's Lamictal from 200mg to 150mg. psychiatrist thinks the Lamictal was activating him, and we were to reduce for 5 days and then reintroduce Daytrana. I really ^%$$ up. I gave him the wrong dose, I gave him too much. I gave him 300mg.:surprised1: I feel so stupid. I can...
  11. B


    I introduced myself on the general board but I have 2 difficult child under the age of 6, and one difficult child that is 8yrs old. Technically though his maturity level is low so he can sometimes fit here, lol. He is doing well right now most days though. My difficult child#3 and #2 are more challenging most days. I have been...
  12. whatamess

    tdocs for kids on the spectrum?

    My difficult child, 11, on the spectrum, has plenty of issues that need working out (abusive situations at past school placements). But he absolutely will not speak to a stranger about this. He only will talk to me about it in short bits and if I ask too many questions he becomes very annoyed. We were at...
  13. D

    Can't take much more

    Hi. I'm new here. Son (difficult child - now 13) was diagnosed ADHD at age 6. I have known since his birth that he was different. I just thought it was the boy in him coming out. He was on medications through 4th grade, when he started having a horrible 'let down period' at the end of the afternoon. In trying to...
  14. neednewtechnique

    First time visit at inpatient facility

    Okay, today was the first day we were able to go visit difficult child at the inpatient facility she was placed at earlier this week. I do not think the visit went well at all. She was nice and all, not mean or angry or in a bad mood, but my confidence level in the facility itself kinda plummetted and...
  15. T

    What do I do??? LONG!!

    Hey everyone! I don't know if you remember me cause I haven't been on in awhile, but I need some advice ASAP! For those who don't remember, my difficult child 2 is 4 1/2 and has been diagnosis with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)-not otherwise specified, DBD, and possible Aspergers. But they don't know for sure about Aspergers. They are afraid to label him. He...
  16. Dara

    They want to medicate without knowing what he has!

    I spoke to the neurologist today because Sammy's behavior has spiraled out of control at home again but worse. We have an appointment at the Mayo Clinic in late april or may but that seems a long time to wait without doing anything. ANyways, I called the Neurologist thinking that he would want...
  17. cutedimples

    another lost friendship

    I got a call today from the mother of my son's favorite friend asking me not to allow Jake to come over anymore. Their friendship is relatively new and started so promisingly, but as usual, Jake's anger and lack of social skills alienated him again. And afterwards, I was so upset but tried so...
  18. H

    A moment...

    I have learned alot from this group. One thing is that difficult child seems to feed off of my emotions, stress, voice level. Today she came out dressed in dirty clothes (normal for her...sigh). I instantly could smell urine. I wanted to rip her face off and ask what she peed on this time. I simply...
  19. Futurama91

    New here, at wits' end

    I came online tonight looking for more info about ODD because my daughter has it and it has been a long day. She's 8 years old and also has PTSD and panic attacks. Her biggest problem, though, is the ODD. She's just abusive and mean. I don't really understand why she's this way. I have another daughter...
  20. smallworld

    Newsweek article on childhood bipolar

    This week's cover story in Newsweek details the life of a boy with bipolar disorder. Some of it rings all too true.