
  1. S

    New here...son diagnosis with ADHD

    Boy am I glad to have found this place!! My 4 1/2 year old son was recently diagnosis with ADHD. I had my suspicions from about the time he was 2 on. It has progressively gotten worse since then. We have been having a very difficult time with him. I have just been at the end of my rope lately. I...
  2. totoro

    Mom shh, I have a secret, we are Super Heroes!

    OK... long night. K has been horrible for months, if you have been keeping track.:dissapointed: Her delusions have gotten so much worse in the past few months. I am trying to keep separate the new addition of Depakote and her "normal" behaviors!!! But, husband left for a week on Monday... she had...
  3. I

    Hi I am new to the site and need some advice

    I have not quite got the abbreviations down so pleae bare with me... My DS will be four. We have always had a hard time with him since his premature birth. He attended a nursery school at two and did not adjust well. We were told by the school and family members that since he was an only...
  4. P

    I Need Some Help

    I am in need of some help. I have a 9 year old difficult child who is causing some problems. He has ADHD and I'm thinking maybe some ODD also. He has been very aggressive and just down right mean to his brothers and sisters, and me too. Right now he is one zoloft and adderall. Anyway, when I was taking him...
  5. TerryJ2

    Halloween--no medications!!!

    I am so exhausted. I dropped difficult child off at a friend's house last night for trick-or-treating. The mom promised to give him his medications. (Clonidine and Vistaril.) It was nice to be able to leave him, because I dressed up, too, and went to a small party. difficult child's friend's mom had friends over, eating and...
  6. Big Bad Kitty

    She's in the psychiatric hospital

    I know this is the best thing for her. I know it down to the very pit of my soul. But I can't stop crying. I miss her so much. She is laying such a guilt trip on me. I walked into her bedroom and it felt like she had died. This is too much pain for my heart to handle all at once. She's still...
  7. D


    I came across this website lastnight when searching for help. Why is it I cannot get anybody to help with my "difficult child?"? He has not done enough wrong to have juvie to step in, child protective services will not step in because I have not beat him to death, yet. Even though he is becoming more and...
  8. C

    Ticking Time Bomb

    I feel like I'm living with a ticking time bomb. Things have been pretty good lately. A few angry outburst but quick to calm and not violent towards me or anyone else UNTIL.... this weekend. We went to Lowe's to run a quick errand, difficult child sees a cooler of large water botttles and wants one. I...
  9. wakeupcall

    Eleven..going on...THREE

    I SWEAR.......this child is going to do me in. As you may know from another post of mine, I've been watching difficult child's blood pressure as it seems to be creeping upward. I've been keeping a log of it each day taken about the same time. Last evening it was normal and I was SO excited (I've been...
  10. neednewtechnique

    Seen psychiatrist this morning....

    We had an appointment this morning with difficult child's psychiatrist, things went well, I think. We decided that she will discontinue the Concerta, and with regular monitoring, we will try to start off next school year without the stimulants, and if medications become necessary again, she would like to try the...
  11. barbie

    Clueless and Confused

    Just my luck, you know, my case was assigned to someone who was out sick!!! I called SS Admin and was like I had a telephone interview at 2pm and its now 245 and noone has called. They finally called something like 3pm. The psychiatrist, changed Eric from dexadrine to clonodine 0.1mg 1/2 tab...
  12. babyblue31

    bearly hanging on

    hi im a single mom of a 4 yr old with adhd and cant get no help for him its driving me crazy im so stressed out all the time i hate to say it but i pray for bed time to come so i cant get a break i love my son so much he just drains me every day i dont know what to do can any one help or is any...
  13. T

    medication question

    Hello everyone! I have a question about a medication called Clondine (spelling) My 5 year old is currently not on any medication for his ADHD, and I had read on another website that Clondine can be used in ADHD cases and it could be taking during the day (I have always heard it was used at night...
  14. Stella

    difficult child refuses medications

    My difficult child had a complete melt down last night. Her Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) seems to be getting worse. The meltdown last night was due to the fact that I lost one of her toys (her tamagochie). She asked for it before she went to bed and when i couldn't find it anywhere she became hysterical. This went on for about...
  15. gcvmom

    medication options for attention/hyperactivity

    difficult child 2 is doing pretty well these days at 750mg Depakote ER, however, he still has issues with attention and hyperactivity... it's not so bad for the demands of his summer schedule, but when school starts it's going to cause problems for him. psychiatrist said we could reintroduce the Daytrana at 20mg...
  16. Just keep swimming

    pediatrician visit and Update

    Hi family, Jayme had a pediatrician appointment this morning for her 3 yo check up. It was also a follow up on all the results from Shriners evaluations and testing. pediatrician is still not convinced that Jayme isn't on the Autistic Spectrum. With her ability in knowing all her letters, letter sounds, numbers, colors...
  17. R

    I'm back and need advice...

    I joined this list some time ago when I thought my son was ODD ... We never got a diagnosis and it wouldn't have mattered anyway... He was in a CTT class for K & 1 and moved to a gen ed class for 2nd grade .. he gets Occupational Therapist (OT) & PT and had speech until it was decided that he didn't really need...
  18. TerryJ2

    difficult child trying Imiprimene

    Hi all, we visited the psychiatrist today. We are trying Imiprimene, which I'd wanted b4 we wasted our time (and difficult child's health) on Prozac and Zoloft, but you know how you have to jump through hoops. I hope this works. We have to do a blood draw in 6 wks. It also helps with-bedwetting and is...
  19. M

    New here

    Hello, this is my first post on this site and I joined this group to maybe find someone to talk to who understands the hell I go through with my son. My son is 7 years old and has been diagnosed with ADHD and ODD. He is also speech impaired and on top of that has sensory issues, as if the first...
  20. Steely

    difficult children physical maladies - physical or psychiatric?

    OK - So I need some insight from this wonderfully knowledgeable group! In the last 6 months my son has gone through some radical medication changes. He went off of Depakote, Seroquel, and Effexor - and started Clonidine. Two months ago, this change was complete. It has been 9 years since he has...