difficult child started Grade 1 on Tuesday. I've been highly anxious all week. For those that might remember, she had a bad bad time with school in June of last year. She was highly anxious and just couldn't cope. She refused to go to school for several weeks in June.
Tuesday started okay...she seemed...
Hi I am new here. I just "found" this site and I am hoping I can find some answers and help!
I have been having a lot of trouble with my 9 year old son.
He has been diagnosis with ADHD and Trichotillomania. He currently takes Concerta and Clonidine. He's been on them for years. We recently had him...
New medication. Originally for high blood pressure, but proves to work for ADHD. difficult child is to take it at night because causes sleepiness.
Dr. said it is not new, more imporved. Use to have to take it 3x's a day and people would fall asleep. Now this is a once a day pill.
Anyone have...
difficult child has been wild, absolutely wild, and defiant since Thanksgiving, after four months of positive steps. He's had a growth spurt and we decided on Thursday (along with the psychologist and pediatrician) to increase his imipramine, which in the past has helped a lot with his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), leading to a...
We just saw our new psychiatrist (changed insurance when husband lost job) and we've decided to try the stimulant. Coincidentally tomorrow is the first day of summer vacation so the timing is actually good.
Please wish us luck. This could be a disaster or it could also be the catalyst that lights up a path...
Hi, not sure where to start and probably the full history is not necessary.
I have 3 boys. Oldest is ADHD/BiPolar/Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)-not otherwise specified. I spent many a year on forums, boards, with therapists, specialists, etc. It took from age 7 to age 11 to stabilize him on medication (I am so glad that's over). He's...
husband and I met with-the principal and difficult child's teacher last wk.
Our original plan was merely to give them the results of difficult child's testing. The test results still are not typed up, however :sick: so we just told them what we knew.
And they had their own paperwork prepared.
Turns out that difficult child has a D average...
hi to everyone
i've kinda been gone for a while. i hope everyone's ok and difficult child's are ok and calm this weekend.
so my little person 9 now with no medications and we ran out of chlonidine bad mom that i am so she's been up last night till who knwos with tv on same thing tonight
so here's what i...
i wanted to say hi to everyone, i hope everyone is well and difficult child's too. I've been busy finding therapist for difficult child to work with weekly and working on finding pyschiatrist now to oversee. no medication's yet just chlonidine at night for her that is not always working.
hope everyone's well...
I didn't get any responses to my hospital question yesterday so I'm guessing nobody knows of any that are "the best of the best"....I'll continue searching.
Anyway, on to another question. difficult child's doctor want us to start her on Clonidine this weekend....mainly for her tics, but said it may also...
Turned out that difficult child had a field trip yesterday until 4:30 so I went to his new psychiatric by myself.
It turned out better that way--he would have interrupted us and denied everything. :)
I had a ton of paperwork and history to give her and she was very interesting. Of course, she has an accent...
so i haven't vented in a while, so fasten your seatbelts..........:)
it's been at least a day or so, i'm totally overdue ha ha
i have been hearing from difficult child's school oh she's ok, she's doing alot better, she's talking, etc. meanwhile back at "reality" ranch a place I live in everyday...
hi to everyone
i've been running around all day, getting prints done for new job. saw my first huge pysh unit out here, ok it overwhelmed me a bit to be honest. It was like somethinig out of a movie.
ok, last night was rough again with difficult child. shes been climbing the past almost 2 weeks it is...
hi to all
hope everyone's well......:)
the evaluation begins somewhat tomorrow......their starting with-me!! lol
3 hour parent interview at columbia. would ya know it it's supposed to snow a whole lot.
anyway so that's that seemed like forever a mos. or so ago now within days we'll be...
so i've thought alot past few days on how to handle stuff with this whole "thorazine" drug that was prescribed difficult child. I did my best, worked it through, read the clinical trials, went to the fda site to view the incedences of the drug. At end of day I am not giving it to her. I contacted her...
i hope everyone is happy it's friday. i am....... i absolutely adore difficult child but she's with-dad this weekend. so i'll get a chance to catch up on a few things, get my head together and ready for another week with-her and school.
so i was wondering has anyone ever noticed particular triggers...
hi everyone,
not sure if you remember me, i dropped off about 3 mos ago. had to focus on handling stuff, getting answers figuring things out for my difficult child.
here we are 3 mos. later no medications, new dr. and new diagnosis. alot's happened in three mos and alot hasn't lol.
she was or is in the...
can someone pls. tell me again what are the symptoms as you or rather "us" as parents view them in our child?? do you see them last for few days or few weeks??
i'm back to making my notes. trying to figure this out. desperation once again. difficult child up most of night again, crying, sad, up...
so little difficult child has been up 3 times this week. one night until 6 a.m. then crashed for 2 1/2 hours and went to school all day functioned on high level then returned home hyper as could be. then was up in middle of night that night. then third night crashed and slept finally fell asleep...
hi u guys,
i actually stopped home before picking up kids because i had to have few min. alone to type and share this with all of you. haven't even called anyone yet except for boyfriend.
it was sooo sooo hard. it would of been 100 times easier had i done it alone.
i left very early we had...