
  1. B

    Suggestions on sleeping

    We have created some bad habits with TRex, I know that. We had so much trouble getting her eating and sleeping when we brought her home that sometimes we took the easy way. One we have always struggled with is her sleep. She has always fought going to sleep and/or taking a nap. She wakes...
  2. TerryJ2

    Starting our first night of Abilify--fingers crossed!

    Okay, here we go, 1/2 of a 5 mg tablet every night for 3 wks, then we see the psychiatrist again. We had a GREAT appointment! I dropped off a hand-written a note a few wks ago, describing how difficult child is always tense, agitated and soooo negative, and in general, unhappy, deliberately isolating himself and...
  3. A

    Thinking of changing difficult child's diet

    Wondering if anyone here as tried any specific diets and if they have helped you?? i.e the gluten-free, casein-free diet or eliminating red 40.
  4. TerryJ2

    Out of Concerta --fingers crossed

    Somehow, the medications weren't refilled in time and the psychiatric is out of the ofc for a wk. I left a msg with-our pediatrician, explaining the situation and hoping they take pity on us. Our psychiatric had recommended mail order medications and it confused everything. It was not,not, not worth the savings. They even...
  5. Wiped Out

    difficult child and car rides

    just don't mix. No matter what we try to do to make them better they are not good and we've tried a lot over the years. When possible we do try to drive at night so he will sleep most of it. No such luck today as we had to be home earlier due to work tomorrow. It actually started before the...
  6. J

    difficult child pysch appointment.

    hi! went to the dr. with-difficult child today about the medications. told him seroquel seems to be doing nothing at this point. so, i gotta wean her off the seroquel and increase the zyprexa. he said give her 5mg at bedtime. i said what is the pt of that? I said i talked to my friends "here" and that will do...
  7. T


    difficult child has not been sleeping well for a while now. psychiatrist ordered an EKG before she would start clonidine to help with the sleep and anxiety. Just got a call from psychiatrist's nurse that the EKG came back "abnormal" and she wants to refer us to a Pediatric Cardiologist. I am scared. This has caught me so...
  8. W

    A Confirmed Diagnosis and a Tentative Diagnosis

    So we have finally had the dr.'s appts. we have been waiting for. The paediatrician was on Saturday and not only did I appreciate him seeing my child on a Saturday but he spent quite a lot of time with us and never seemed rushed to leave - only focused on the situation at hand. difficult child was very...
  9. Z

    Very long update

    I have previously posted about my difficult child going downhill and losing his grip. He became really manic and sleep deprived almost to the point of psychosis (wouldn't even sleep with help of clonidine and trazadone). one week ago yesterday he was admitted to the psychiatric hospital. Our new psychiatrist's office is actually...
  10. W

    Waiting & trying to survive (his RAGE) Anyone with Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE) experience? (not sure that's it)

    I haven't been on here for a while, but reading through your posts reminds me how much everyone is going through. You people give me courage. Thank you for supporting one another and the advice given! It's hard to know what to say. My son was finally fully evaluated by the school but we are...
  11. S

    New Please help thank you

    My difficult child 3 who is only 4 has ADHD, seizures, and some type of sleep disorder. I am going crazy right now. He also has language delays and does not like kids his own age, older /infants are fine. ADHD was diagnosed by lots of doctors a therapist,a psychologist, his Peds doctor, and two Psychiatrists...
  12. L

    Concerta and morning irritability?

    DS8 (72lbs if that matters) was diagnosed by a psychiatric in Jan with ODD and borderline ADHD. He has been on 2mg on Intuniv given at bedtime which has been nothing short of a miracle after two years of therapy and school struggles. Once school began this year the emails from his teacher began. He...
  13. buddy

    Such an interesting day...

    First, last night I didn't change Q's patches which is fine, we have done that many times, can change them the next day b/4 says there is really a couple of days worth of medication left in the patch so I never do a power struggle over night vs. morning. But maybe with the growth or this...
  14. G

    rages and getting physical

    I just found this site and need help. I'm sorry I don't know all the spcial acronyms. My son is 14.5 and has had intermiittent rages for 2 years. He is on zoloft and abilify. Things have progressed where he is getting more physical towards me. tonite he had me a in headlock for awhile (my...
  15. L

    New to the Site- looking for parents of O.D.D/A.d.h.d children my daughter in 4.5 yr

    I am looking for parents I can relate with and get some advice from. I have a 4.5 year old daughter with O.D.D/A.D.H.D
  16. P-nut2004

    Need medication advice!

    Ok so I've been doing some research online on difficult children medications (concerta, risperdal & zoloft) and I think I'm more confused now than I was when I started. Concerta info says it should not be given to ADHD kids with anxiety, which difficult child is diagnosis'd with and has serious issues with. Zoloft says it is only...
  17. L

    Honeymoon Period with medications?

    I am new to these boards. Our 13yr old son was diagnosed about 6 months ago with a mood disorder. He has been building up Lamictal in his system. About 5 days ago, he started 200mg/day. We noticed DRAMATIC results and he was really pleasant to be around - even helpful. Unfortunately, that seemed...
  18. J

    At The End of my Rope

    Boy oh boy has it been a LONG time since I have had to post anything here... B2 is just spiraling out of control these days. He is starting to show signs of regression again as far as being physically agressive towards me and B1. We have been having some issues over the past month or so, but...
  19. Californiablonde

    difficult child is sleepy on this new mes and I'm getting paranoid.

    difficult child 2 started his new ADHD medication Intuniv a week and a half ago. He started out at 1mg for a week then was raised to 2 four days ago. He was okay at 1 with no side effects. Super hyperactive, etc as usual. Once he got raised up to 2 he started becoming very sleepy. We are on spring break so I...
  20. Chaosuncontained

    Worn out...mania in my 10 year old is like a 3 year old on crack...

    Two weeks ago we took Carson off of Respiridone for his major weight gain (30+# in a year). We also took him off Intuniv because he was still SO sleepy in class after being on it for months. We did this over Spring Break. The first day back at school he was in trouble. The second day...